September 4- October 1, 1993
Sami Confronts Marlena
About The Affair
The Skin Graft Works
Sami Stops Carrie
From Making Love To Lucas

Sami Confronts Marlena
About The Affair
The Skin Graft Works
Sami Stops Carrie
From Making Love To Lucas

Lucas manages to swap the contracts so that Brandee is going to Milan and stops her before she tells Carrie anything. Downstairs, Kate is getting ready but has the jitters. Marlena asks her if it's just pre-wedding jitters. Kate tells Marlena about her encounter with Vivian and says that she always thought that Victor was a man that didn't show emotion, but she has no reason not to believe Vivian. She finishes getting ready and Lucas comes and picks her up. They head up to the Penthouse Grille. Bo doesn't ask Billie why she's at the club, just asks her to ID Curtis as the gunman. She says it's not him and Bo ends up leaving. Curtis thanks her and buys her a beer. She doesn't want it and gets upset and tells him she hates what he's done to her - making her lie to someone she really cares about. She says she's going to tell Bo the truth, but Curtis begs her not to. Billie says she won't, on the condition that he goes to the rehab clinic. She takes him and books him in there.
Carrie and Lucas arrive back at Victor's and Lucas wants to do something special and romantic for his mother. Carrie shares her most romantic fantasy - her wedding night with candles...(usual Salem set-up). They set up a champagne supper for Victor and Kate but when they get home, Kate takes Lucas aside and tells him that he's all she has. Lucas and Carrie leave and Kate and Victor head upstairs.
Marlena asks Sami how her therapy is going, but Roman overhears. Sami lies and tells him she's seeing a nutritionist. Roman says that if her mother thinks she should then that's fine by him. He goes off to make a drink and Sami thanks Marlena for not telling him. Mar says that she didn't tell him because his friend has just died. But she thinks he should know - Sami needs his support and his love right now. Sami says the therapy is going just fine but Dr. Dorman says she needs to learn herself a bit more. Marlena tells her she does and she has to let them love her - she has to open up. She hugs Sami but Sami pulls away and says she has volunteer duty. Jamie turns up and Sami goes upstairs to get her stuff. Marlena asks Jamie if she knows about the bulimia and asks her to be a good friend and try and help Sami through this. Jamie says that she will. Sami comes back down and grabs her stuff off the table, but she leaves her diary there. Later Marlena is in the kitchen when Roman finds the book. He opens the front of it wondering what it is when Marlena comes out and tells him he can't read Sami's diary. He says he wasn't going to now that he's worked out what he is. She sits down with him and he tells her he's thankful they don't have the kind of daughter that you have to read her diary to find out what she's hiding from you. He starts talking about how lucky he feels. At the hospital Sami has a session and she asks Jamie to get her some food. Jamie is trying to refuse as the doctor comes out. They go in but the doctor knows that she's hiding something important. She tells him she's not keeping her feelings bottled up - she writes them down in her diary. She looks in her bag for the diary but realizes she left it at home on the table. She says...if her parents read it...and then she rushes out of the session.
Marlena contemplates the diary as she sits on the couch. She reads snatches of the first page in between closing the cover to agonize over whether she's doing the right thing. Roman and Abe come in and she hides the diary beneath some cushions. They go out to a call about the Pacifier and Marlena continues to torture herself with the diary. Meanwhile Sami is rushing to get home. She walks in the door to find Marlena on the couch with the diary in her hands. Marlena starts to say she's sorry, but Sami blurts out that she couldn't help herself could she - she just had to read it - and now she knows the truth - that Sami's only problem is with her. Marlena doesn't understand what Sami is talking about and tells her she didn't read the diary. Sami realizes that she's blown it big time as Marlena pressures her to tell her what she did to make Sami so angry. Sami says she can't talk about it. Marlena says she has to tell her before she goes crazy. Sami won't and Marlena says then she has no option but to arrange a family session with Dr. Dorman. Sami says she can't do that - she promised she wouldn't tell Dad. Marlena tells her she promised she wouldn't tell him without telling Sami first. Well consider yourself told kid! Sami begs her not to tell Roman who walks in the door at that very moment. Sami pretends that everything is fine and then takes off back to the hospital. Marlena and Roman sit down to lunch but Roman can see there's something bothering Marlena. He gently asks her what it is and she begins to cry. Back at the hospital, Sami talks Jamie into getting her a candy bar, but as soon as she leaves the room, Sami collapses on the floor.
At the house, Roman asks Marlena again what's wrong and she just passes it off as being a very pregnant day. He thanks her again for giving him the chance to start over with this new baby and talks about Sami, Carrie and Eric. Marlena just wishes she could have been there for them more. Roman asks if there's a problem with her and Sami and she just says a little snag, but they'll sort it out. She goes into the kitchen and Roman answers the door. Jamie comes in and tells him all about the bulimia, saying that she didn't know what else to do and she hopes that he will be able to help Sami. Roman reminds her that Sami's mother is a psychiatrist and Jamie says that she knows Marlena has been trying to help Sami but Sami just refuses to admit there's anything wrong. Roman is shocked that Marlena knew and when Marlena comes out of the kitchen with drinks she realizes what's up. Roman can't believe she didn't tell him about something this important, especially when she knew how upset he was when she kept Carrie's secrets from him. Marlena tries to tell him that she was trying to get Sami to see a doctor but he's too upset to really listen. Sami comes home and Roman tells her he's going to make everything all right. He tells her knows about the bulimia, but she tries to deny it. Then she rushes to a chair and hides her face. Marlena tells Roman to go away - she'll talk to Sami about this. He walks out on her, still disbelieving of the fact she kept this from him. Marlena goes to speak to Sami and tries to tell her that she didn't tell Roman. Sami says if she doesn't leave her alone she's going to hear a few home truths and then Sami won't be the only one who is sorry. Marlena wants to know what that means and Sami says she wants to know why she broke her word and told Dad. Marlena says that she didn't. Sami accuses her of lying and Marlena says she's not - she knows she's always been honest with her. Sami says Honest? She knows that's what Marlena would like everybody to believe, she knows she's not the perfect wife and mother everybody would like to think she is. Marlena asks what she's implying now. Sami yells that she knows what Marlena did. She knows she slept with John. She saw her.
Marlena is bewildered and says Sami can't have known. Sami says she did because she saw them the night of the Titan party. Marlena sits down on the sofa in shock as Sami screams that she'll never forgive her for this. She wants to know how Marlena could do this - especially to Dad. She went behind his back and she cheated on him. And yet she smiles at him and she hugs him and she looks him in the face and she sleeps next to him every night, knowing what she did. She turns away from Marlena and says she used to look up to her, she used to think she was just about the most perfect person in the world. That hits hard and Marlena begins to cry. And then Sami turns round and tells her she's just a slut. Meanwhile Roman goes down to the pier and Carrie sees him there. Roman tells her he's tried to make up the time he lost with his kids, to be a good father and Carrie tells him he has. Roman asks really? So why is everyone keeping everything from him? He tells her he knows about Sami's bulimia and Carrie tries to explain to him that Sami refused to go and see a therapist if Marlena told him. She adds that Marlena probably would have told him anyway - but with Richie dying she felt he had enough to deal with. Roman says but what about her - she's pregnant and dealing with this problem all alone? He says he's going to go and apologize to her and that they'll all help Sami. Back at the house Marlena is holding herself up on a piece of furniture as Sami continues tearing into her. She wants to know if Marlena is shocked that she called her a slut? Because she is. A tear rolls down Marlena's cheek as Sami tells her she has no morals at all - she didn't even care where she did it. They didn't even lock the door, she and John were so anxious to get at one another. Sami accuses her of not even thinking about her family for one minute. She asks if John is more important than them. Marlena immediately says no, she loves her family. Sami yells then how could she do this. Not once but twice? Marlena looks shocked. Sami says - the day of your anniversary Mom, remember? I heard you and John talking about it. Marlena can't say anything, she has tears falling down her cheeks and she turns and walks away from Sami shaking her head. Sami follows her screaming why? She's gotta tell her, she's gotta know. She says that all this time she's been thinking that maybe she had a reason, maybe John forced her or she had too much to drink and it just happened. But that's not true is it? Marlena finally turns round, absolutely devastated and whispers no. She shakes her head and tells Sami that it's over, she swears that it's over. Sami, almost as upset as her mother, asks what difference that makes? She did it. Marlena reaches out to her but Sami brushes her off and storms away. She says Dad loves her so much, he'd do anything for her, and she betrayed him. Marlena says that she can't justify what she's done, she can't justify any of it, but she loves Sami's Daddy, she loves this family, and she loves her. Sami whirls around and puts her hands over her ears, *screaming* that she doesn't want to hear it. Marlena is almost beside herself as Sami tells her she's just a liar. Marlena's tears increase as she says - Oh my God, Sami, All you've gone through, all you've suffered with, and this bulimia. Oh God, it's my fault. She puts her hands over her face and then goes to Sami, saying she'll make it better. Sami brushes her off Marlena tells her there will be no more secrets - no more lies. She cries that she'll tell Roman everything. Sami turns around in shock saying What? You can't do that. Marlena says she has to tell Roman, Sami has suffered too much. If she tells him then they can work on this together as a family. Sami hits back saying they won't be a family, he'll hate her for what she did and he'll hate Sami for telling her. Just then Roman pulls up and Sami begs Marlena not to tell him. She threatens to make herself sicker if Marlena tells Roman and rubs it in by saying that she fainted today at the hospital. Carrie and Roman come in and Roman hugs Sami and tells her everything is going to be okay. He has to admit he was a bit thrown when Jamie come and told him about this. Sami asks Jamie told him and turns and looks at Marlena. Roman apologizes to Marlena for being angry with her and she apologizes for not telling him. Roman says the most important thing is no more secrets - they can forget about it and move on. Marlena and Sami look at each other. Roman asks if she's okay, she looks a little pale. Marlena say she and the baby are just fine but then she has to sit down. Sami tells Roman she's sorry, she didn't want to see him get hurt. Marlena suggests that Sami goes to bed and Carrie goes up with her. Roman tells her that everything will be okay and Sami says she hopes so as she looks at Marlena. Marlena, tears in her eyes, says she hopes so too.
Austin goes down to the University sign-up which seems to be at Salem Place and Carrie sees him there. Then later she and Lucas run into Lucas's old military school friend Alan Harris. When Carrie goes, Alan reminds him that he used to be after every new girl and Lucas says he's changed now - Carrie is the only one for him. Later he meets up with Carrie again and they go to the hospital so she can get the verdict on her graft. Meanwhile, Frank Galway comes and asks Jamie if Sami will be in today as he needs that book from her. He says he'll go by her house and pick it up on his lunch break. Jamie calls Sami to warn her but Sami is less than thrilled about her ratting to Roman. However she tells Jamie to stall Frank and she'll get the book there as soon as she can - she can't let Marlena know that she was snooping around the paternity tests. She throws everything in her bag but then worries as to why Marlena and Roman aren't downstairs yet. Upstairs Marlena has a dream, but it's actually a memory of what happened last night. She wakes in tears and Roman is concerned. He tells her she can't blame herself for everything that goes wrong in this family and she can't carry around all this guilt. He tells her that he wants there to be no more secrets and sees that she's uncomfortable. He asks her if there's something more about Sami that he doesn't know. Marlena says it's not about Sami. He asks what then? Marlena says she thinks he knows how much she loves him and he tells her it's her love that keeps him going. She tells him she feels blessed by his love and she doesn't deserve it. Roman gently asks her what's going on and she prepares to tell him. Except Sami is listening at the door and bursts in saying that she had the urge to eat and she was afraid that she would binge. Later downstairs Marlena arranges to take Sami to the hospital and they talk about the baby. Marlena tells Sami that she knows it must have been traumatic for her but she hopes that she can put this indiscretion behind her. She wants Sami to know that it's been hell for her, keeping this secret and it's worse now Sami knows. But she reassures Sami that this baby is Roman's and she's telling Sami this because she doesn't want Sami to bear the baby any grudges. Sami tells Marlena that she will be the best big sister. Marlena tells her she doesn't want her to worry that the baby is John's - she had tests done and it is Roman's. Sami doesn't exactly look surprised or over the moon about the news. They hug and then head for the hospital. Sami rushes up and gives the text to Frank, but Frank sees Marlena and tells her that he wanted to talk to her about Sami. Marlena says oh? Frank tells her that he thinks Sami is a very special young woman and does Marlena know that in her spare time, Sami has been learning all she can about hematology? Marlena says no she didn't, and what is all that about?
Marlena asks Sami again what this is about and Sami passes it off as Frank exaggerating. Marlena apologizes for pressuring her and tells Sami she's always harbored a secret desire that one of her children will go into medicine. Austin sees Carrie and Lucas kissing and Lucas gets pissed off. He tells her he'll wait for her while she gets the bandages off. Marlena comes in with Carrie to see Dr. Phelps. Meanwhile Lucas dins Sami in the staff lounge eating a large sandwich. He asks her about her diet and Sami tells him to get lost. Jamie comes in and tells him to get lost too and he leaves. However he stands outside the door and hears Sami and Jamie talking about the bulimia. He comes back into the room and apologizes, but Sami is upset that he knows and tells him to leave her alone. Austin talks to Frank Galway who has results of his research on these childhood diseases. Frank tells him he'll print it up and send it to him. Austin heads off home and Frank says to himself that someone else may want to know these results. In Dr. Phelps office, he removes Carrie's bandage and tells her that the graft has taken very well. She and Marlena are thrilled and she rushes off to tell Lucas. They head up to lookout point where they start making out. Marlena finds Sami and tells her the news. Sami is thrilled but then says she at least has one perfect daughter now. They are interrupted by a nurse who tells Marlena that Dr. Galway is looking for her. Sami finds Jamie again and Jamie tells her that she had to tell Roman about the bulimia because she was afraid for Sami. She tells Sami she's never told about any other of the secrets Sami has told her - like Marlena and John and Sami trying to find out whether the baby was John's or her Dad's. She looks at Sami and asks if the baby is her Dad's. Sami says of course it is. Marlena finds Frank Galway in the staff lounge and he tells her that he's been doing some research and he has reason to think that she should take some more blood tests.
Carrie and Lucas get a little hot and heavy but then Carrie asks him to stop. She tells him she's not ready yet, this is going too fast and also tells him that she's still a virgin. He respects her for that and says that as long as they are being honest, he has something to say too. He tells her that he has done a lot of things he's not proud of, things that she wouldn't like. Then he tells her about his advising Sami to diet and says he feels really guilty about it. Carrie tells him not to, there are a lot of reasons why Sami became bulimic, and she's really angry about something, but Carrie doesn't know what. Lucas takes her back to the apartment and they kiss again but as soon as Carrie closes the door, she pulls out a picture of Austin. Meanwhile, Curtis is buying a one-way ticket for Salem.
Lucas talks Carrie into going for a picnic with him. He tells Kate he has real feelings for Carrie and Carrie goes off on an errand. She meets Carrie back in her apartment to give her some make-up samples. When Sami is in the bedroom, Carrie pulls out a box of condoms. She heads off and meets Lucas at the pub and they go off to the river. Lucas tells her he is serious about her and if she wants to go he'll understand. She doesn't though and they end up kissing. Back at the apartment, Sami and Jamie find the box on Carrie's shelf in the bathroom.
Sami realizes that Carrie is intending to sleep with Lucas and rushes off to find her. She gets to the pub and Caroline tells her that Carrie and Lucas were going to the river. Meanwhile down at the river, Carrie pulls out a condom and asks Lucas to make love to her. He's just taken off her bikini top when Sami turns up and yells at them to stop. Lucas tells her to get lost and Carrie tells her it's none of her business but Sami tells her that Lucas is a creep and she knows what Lucas has done to get her into bed and she's going to tell her. Sami spills to Carrie that Lucas already knew she was a virgin. Carrie is convinced that Lucas has been lying to her all this time now and tells him she never wants to see him again. She leaves and Lucas rips into Sami. He accuses her of only wanting to make Carrie unhappy because she's jealous of her. He says some really uncalled for things and sends Sami stumbling off crying. He also starts to cry. Carrie goes down to the pier where she runs into Roman but she can't tell him what's happened because she's afraid he'll be ashamed. He doesn't push her, instead he hugs her and walks her home.
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