Marlena & Sami/The First Bandages Come Off/
Curtis Reed & Kate Finds Her Children Story Begins/
Bo & Billie in LA/Carly Wakes Up/
Kate And Victor's First Wedding
August 9 - September 7, 1993
Curtis Reed & Kate Finds Her Children Story Begins/
Bo & Billie in LA/Carly Wakes Up/
Kate And Victor's First Wedding
August 9 - September 7, 1993
Marlena tries to talk to Sami about what is going on with her, but Sami is evasive. Marlena pushes it, asking Sami to trust her. Sami runs upstairs, leaving Marlena pretty upset. Carrie (who is getting her bandages off tomorrow) arrives and offers to talk to Sami when Marlena tells her that if they don't get Sami help soon she'll get worse.
Marlena catches up with Sami at the mall and suggests that they go shopping together. Sami tells her that she'd die if the kids from school saw her shopping with her Mom. Marlena walks off hurt and Sami tells Jamie that she had to do it. They spot a suit in the window of the store and Sami buys it, saying that she's lost seven pounds and can now get into it. She thinks it will help her win Austin but first she has to do something with her makeup and hair. She heads for Titan to get her paycheck. In the conference room, Marlena is talking to John about her problems with Sami. Sami sees john hugging Marlena and flashes back to the night of the Titan party. She storms into the room and asks the two of them what they think they are doing. Marlena tells her she was talking to John about her. Sami doesn't believe her and John tells her that surely she knows that her mother would never lie to her. Sami says yeah right and then storms back out of the room. Marlena wants to follow her, but John tells her to give Sami some space - Carrie was the same when she was younger. Marlena tells him that she hopes that he's right but she's not so sure. Outside the conference room, one of Bella's make-up artists gives Sami a whole lot of make-up for her new look. Marlena comes out and wants to know why Sami accused her of being a liar, doesn't she know that she would never lie to her. Sami glares at her mother and Marlena tells her that she wants to talk about this after her meeting. Sami says that she doesn't have the time. Marlena says make the time - now, but when she goes back into the conference room, Sami leaves.
Austin turns up at Carrie's apartment, looking for Billie who isn't there, and offers to take Carrie to the hospital to get her bandages off. They are having breakfast when Lucas calls. Carrie tells him that Austin is taking her to the hospital. Lucas wishes her luck but isn't at all happy when he gets off the phone. Later, Austin turns up at Carrie's early and suggests that they take a drive by the lake before they go to the hospital. However, Lucas turns up with flowers and wants to take some before and after shots. Austin isn't happy, but goes down to bring his car up front. He comes back up fuming, and blames Lucas for letting the air out of the back tires. Lucas ends up taking Carrie to the hospital and taking the drive by the lake.
Marlena discovers that Sami is gone but catches up with her at the pub. Sami has her hair braided and apparently spent a weeks wages on it. Jamie leaves and Marlena tells Sami that she thinks she's figured out what's going on with Sami - it's boy trouble. Marlena urges the evil-twin-in-training to tell this boy how she feels and tells Sami that she's beautiful and any boy would love to go out with her. Sami unfortunately decides to take her advice and finds Austin at the hospital and asks the poor boy to go out with her... Austin refuses which doesn't make Sami a happy young thing at all.
Marlena catches up with Carrie who's about to get her bandages off but tells Carrie that the doctor will be a little while. Carrie asks her to go home and rest, she doesn't want to make a big thing of this. Marlena agrees and heads home via the mall where she buys a new comforter for Sami. At home she puts is on her bed and cleans up after Sami. However she opens the closet to find a stash of junk food... Lucas kisses Carrie and she wants to know why he did it. Before the conversation can get too far along, they are interrupted. Later Dr. Phelps takes off Carrie's bandages but the graft hasn't taken. Carrie is angry at herself for hoping that it would work. Austin tries to tell Sami he wants to be her friend but she's pretty devastated. She asks him to go and he does, but Jamie comes into the room. Sami tells her that Marlena persuaded her to let him know her feelings and she can't believe she fell for it. She heads home but Marlena is waiting there for her with the laxatives she found in her room. Marlena confronts Sami but Sami denies everything and tells Marlena she's just looking for ways to make her unhappy. Marlena follows her up to the bedroom and begs Sami to tell her what the root of these problems is as she wants to help her. Sami tells her that if she doesn't let up she just might tell her and she won't like that.
Austin comes in and speaks to Carrie. She wants him to go away but he tells her he thinks the scar is the only reason they're not together and he tells her he can't pretend anymore that he doesn't care about her. He invites her up to the cabin in the mountains to spend some time and she thinks about it. Marlena wants to know what Sami means by what she said, but Sami backtracks and tells her to forget it, she was just trying to get her off her back. She eventually tells Marlena that the laxatives are Jamie's which doesn't please Jamie too much later when she comes round. Marlena goes over to Alice's for a little chat and then comes back for round two with Sami. However when she comes into Sami's room she finds Sami trying to get rid of empty food wrappers and realizes that Sami was lying to her.
Carrie decides not to go to the cabin and calls Austin to tell him. Marlena confronts Sami about the bulimia, realizing that she lied and tells her she needs therapy/ Sami begs her not to tell Roman, she'll do anything if only Marlena doesn't tell him. Roman interrupts the conversation and Marlena doesn't tell him. They all have dinner and then Sami, saying she's really tired, heads for bed. Roman follows her and thanks her for making up with Marlena.
Carrie changes her mind in the morning and decides to go up to the cabin after all. Lucas calls Brandee and gets her to go up there under the pretense that she wants to talk to Austin about some problems she is having with her brother. Lucas takes Carrie up to the cabin - but when she gets there she sees Austin and Brandee swimming.
Kate goes down to the hospital and is upset when she hears about Abby and she offers to be tested for being a match. Afterward, she sits down in the staff lounge and opens a locket. Inside the locket are pictures of two babies and she starts crying.
Brandee comes up from the lake and tells Carrie that she's been there all night and she and Austin made love. Carrie begs her not to tell Austin that she was here and Lucas takes Carrie back to town. Austin and Brandee have lunch and then Austin decides to go back to town to find out what's up with Carrie. He takes Brandee back, and they stop at the mall. Carrie sees them hugging and grabs Lucas and plants a big kiss on him.
Marlena gets home and asks Sami how her day was and Sami avoids her questions about seeing the therapist. However, the therapist calls and fills Marlena in on the fact that Sami missed the appointment. Marlena is furious and tells Sami that maybe Roman can talk her into going. Again Sami begs Marlena not to tell Roman - he'll think she's disgusting and sick and she'll be so ashamed. Marlena tells her she is sick - she has a very serious disease. Sami replies by saying that she's getting better. Marlena tells her that she can fix the eating part of it - but she still has to find out what the underlying reason is. Sami spits back that she already knows what that reason is. Marlena asks her what and Sami lies and tells her it was the boy. Roman comes in and Marlena says that they have to talk - but they are interrupted by a knock at the door. It's friends of theirs - Richie and Barbara. Barbara is heavily pregnant and they have bought Marlena and Roman a teddy bear for the baby. Roman gets a phonecall and tells Richie it's his unlucky night - he's going to have to go on a stakeout. The couple leave, but Roman interrupts Marlena who's telling him they have to have a family conference and says that he feels bad for Richie and he is going to go down and take over from Richie so he can go home and help Barbara put the crib together. Later Jamie comes over after Marlena heads to the Horton's for the meeting and Sami and she hear a news bulletin on the radio saying that a cop has been shot on a stakeout. She rushes over to the Horton's to find that Roman is not there and tells her mother what she heard. Jonah takes them down to the scene where they see a body under a cover - wearing Roman's jacket.
Marlena gets under the crime scene tape and Sami follows her. They are kneeling next to the body when Roman comes up behind them. They go to him and he tells them that it's Richie. He explains that Richie felt he had a personal stake in this case and Roman lent him his jacket as he was supposed to be plain clothes. Marlena and Roman decide to go and tell Barbara what happened. Once that is over, Roman realizes that it could have been him that was killed. They go for a walk down to the pier and Roman tells Marlena that he never really let himself think about being shot before, but tonight it's become all too real. Marlena tells him she thinks about it all the time. Roman says that he can't let it happen. Meanwhile Jonah is supposed to take Sami home but she takes the bus instead. However, she stops off at the pub first and tells Shawn that she has friends coming over and she wants some hamburgers and fries. Shawn gets them for her and she takes them outside and chows down.
A Reed or a Roberts in every scene. (August 24) Jack breaks down in Kate's office over Abby. She comforts him and tells him she lost two children of her own. Austin is tested as are Lucas and Carrie. They all meet up and there is friction as Lucas and Austin wait while Carrie is being tested. Lucas provokes Austin but when Carrie comes out makes it look as if Austin was going for him.
Meanwhile Carrie comes over to the Brady's and tears into Sami for being such a little snot towards her mother. Upstairs Roman is talking about his job again and when he feels the baby kicking he says that he is going to be there for the baby in the way he couldn't be for Carrie and the twins. They come downstairs as Sami is about to walk out on Sami and Roman gets Sami to walk him out to the car. Carrie overhears Marlena make a call to a therapist and tell him that Sami has bulimia. Marlena realizes that she's listening and gets off the phone. They talk and then Sami comes back in. Carrie apologizes for yelling at her and Sami is furious that Marlena told her. Carrie explains that she overheard but Sami tells Marlena that if she tells Roman, Sami won't be the only one that disappoints him. Carrie tells Sami that they'll help her through this and Marlena prompts her to go on over to the Horton's. With Carrie gone, Marlena tells Sami that she wants to know what's wrong - what she's done to make Sami so angry with her. Sami says she just can't tell her. Marlena tells her that she just wants to make everything all right and she'll do *anything* to help Sami. Sami says then give her another chance. She'll go see the therapist if Marlena won't tell Roman. Marlena eventually agrees and makes an appointment for Sami to see a Dr. Dorman in her office. When Sami gets there the Dr. tells her that anything she tells him won't leave the room.
Abby had Aplastic Anemia, (Aplastic anemia [a-PLAS-tik uh-NEE-me-uh] is a rare and serious blood disorder in which bone marrow stops making enough new blood cells. Bone marrow––the spongy material inside bones—makes new blood cells called stem cells. Stem cells normally develop into three main types of blood cells: red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Each type of blood cell has its own functions in the body. However, in aplastic anemia, normal production of all blood cells—red cells, white cells, and platelets—slows or stops. This is because the stem cells have been damaged. The cause of this damage is often unknown.) The only cure is a bone marrow transplant. All of Salem is tested for a match. Jenn calls Jack at Titan and tells him he has to get down to the hospital right away - they've found a donor for Abby. There they find out the compatible donor is none other than Austin. Tom takes a history from Austin and they all hear how Austin and Billie's mother abandoned them when they were young. Later Jenn tells Jack that she wants to do something to thank Austin - she wants to find his mother for him. Jack agrees.
Kate decides it's time to tell him the real truth and reveals she was married before he was born. She tells him she was young and in love but once she was married, he started gambling and got into drugs and then he started beating her, the last time so badly he almost killed her. Then she tells him she had two young children. She tells him she met his father and was happy for a while but then her husband found out - that was when he beat her so badly and he left her, taking the kids. She says that she looked for them for ages but when she eventually found out what happened to them she found they had died in an accident. Lucas is stunned and anguished over his mothers grief.
Carrie talks to Marlena about the feelings Lucas seems to be developing for her and the fact that she's still into Austin. Of course Lucas inconveniently arrives just after Marlena advises Carrie to tell Austin how she really feels. He drags Carrie outside and cries on her shoulder about his brother and sister that he never knew he had but now he knows but they're dead problem.
It's time for Carrie's second op and Marlena and Roman head over and pick her up. They take her to the hospital and Lucas stops by. So does Brandee and she threatens to tell Carrie the truth about Lucas's manipulations if he doesn't get her some modelling jobs at Titan.Lucas heads over to Titan where he suggests to Kate that Brandee would be a good model for the Milan shoot. Kate agrees and says she'll have her booked. Lucas runs off to tell the blonde but later Kate is told by her secretary that they've already booked someone else. Kate says oh well, she's sure it wasn't important. Meanwhile Brandee is heading off to Titan to get the details and is warning Lucas that it better pan out or Austin and Carrie will know the truth about the cabin.
Carrie has her second op. Austin has some more tests for his and Abby's op. They meet. They stare.
Carrie is already up and about and ready to go home. Lucas asks her to go to the wedding of his mother and Victor and she accepts. Brandee turns up at the hospital and tells Lucas that her name is not on the list for Milan and unless he gets it on there she's going to tell Carrie and Austin all about his little schemes. Lucas races over to Titan but Kate is getting ready for the wedding. She tells him there's nothing she can do - the contracts are sitting on the desk waiting to be signed. Lucas decides a little contract swapping is in order. However, Brandee has followed him to Titan and is preparing to tell Carrie everything.
Lucas manages to swap the contracts so that Brandee is going to Milan and stops her before she tells Carrie anything. Jenn and Austin come to pick up Jack for dinner. Jack has a whole lot of Vic's computer disks that were supposed to be destroyed and Vern is trying to crack the encoding. Jenn sees something on the screen about the Spectator and Jack thinks that this information is why Vic wants to get hold of the Spectator so quickly. They head up to the Titan Grille for dinner. The wedding takes place and Jack, Jenn and Austin walk in at the end of it.
Bo doesn't ask Billie why she's at the club, just asks her to ID Curtis as the gunman. She says it's not him and Bo ends up leaving. Curtis thanks her and buys her a beer. She doesn't want it and gets upset and tells him she hates what he's done to her - making her lie to someone she really cares about. She says she's going to tell Bo the truth, but Curtis begs her not to. Billie says she won't, on the condition that he goes to the rehab clinic. She takes him and books him in there. Later when he's there, he gets a call from Peter who tells him he might need him back in Salem soon.
Carrie and Lucas arrive back at Victor's and Lucas wants to do something special and romantic for his mother. Carrie shares her most romantic fantasy - her wedding night with candles...(usual Salem set-up). They set up a champagne supper for Victor and Kate but when they get home, Kate takes Lucas aside and tells him that he's all she has. She has been upset by Victor in the limo on the way home when he talked to his lawyer about the Spectator. She has made him promise not to fire Jack if he will recant on his threats. Lucas and Carrie leave and Kate and Victor head upstairs. There are about a thousand candles in the room and Vic says that he arranged it all, including the champagne supper - but he didn't want to disappoint the kids.
Bo goes to visit Carly's grave which Dr. Wu's men have already returned to it's former state. Meanwhile, Billie takes Curtis to the lab and tells him to stay there. He asks her to bring him back some food and she says that she will. She heads to the pub and the conversation with Austin turns to dear ol' dad. Austin says that he was a liar and a manipulator and had no redeeming qualities. Meanwhile, Bo heads for the pub where one of the cops from the station catches up with him and gives him the blown-up photos that they have from the shooting. Bo sees that the witness was Billie and he goes into the pub and wants to know why she didn't tell him. Eventually she agrees to help him (after looking totally guilty for a couple of minutes) but she says that the gunman was wearing sunglasses and a baseball cap and she didn't get a good look at him. Dr. Wu and Vivian manage to persuade Lawrence to take Carly home, but he tells them that if she dies, he'll kill them both with his own hands. Back at the house, Carly shows no signs of recovering, so Dr. Wu says he'll try and find a special herb. And Vivian manages to talk Lawrence into letting her stay, at least until Carly gets better, for Nikki's sake.
Carly is all set up in the attic of the Alamain house but she's still not improved any. Dr. Wu's nurse arrives and is installed in the room next to Carly's. However when everyone leaves the room Carly starts to become restless and Vivian, Lawrence and Ivan downstairs are shocked to hear her screaming Bo's name. Billie spends the morning trying to avoid her appointment with Bo, not answering the phone at the lab. However she is just leaving when Bo catches up with her. Bo takes her down to the station where she goes through mug shots but she doesn't recognize any of them. Bo calls in a sketch artist and Billie tells him what the gunman looked like - making him look totally unlike Curtis. Meanwhile, Curtis has checked out an issue of Belle and seen who else is in town that he knows.
Billie has to sign a statement saying that she told the whole truth. With a few misgivings she does and after telling Bo that she's told him all she can, she gets out of there and heads back to the lab. However, Curtis ain't there. He does come back though and tells her that now the coast is clear, he's heading for LA. Meanwhile Bo and the rest of the Salem circus police force, figure out that the gunman might be heading for LA. Nikki comes into the house having heard the screaming. Vivian, ever the quick thinker tells him it was Cook who burnt her hand. Nikki thinks it sounded like his mother but they are quick to step on that. Later, Bo comes over and gives Nikki the journal that Carly kept when she was pregnant with him with all her hopes and dreams. Nikki is upset and tells Bo he's sorry for trying to break them up. Bo tells him it's okay. Bo is just about to leave when the nurse comes down and tells Lawrence the patient is getting harder to keep quiet. Lawrence tells him it's Vivian and they get rid of him. Lawrence bites the nurses head off and then goes upstairs to Katerina.
Bo decides to go to LA to track the gunman down. He tells Billie where he's going and later Billie finds a matchbook at the lab for an LA club. She decides she has to go there and find Curtis before Bo does.
Billie gets to LA as Bo is waiting for his baggage. She discovers he's using a false name and he's staying at the Ritz Carlton. He is picked up by an LA cop in a limousine and it becomes apparent that he's undercover as some high roller from back East. They go shopping in Beverly hills and he has a haircut. Meanwhile, Billie stops by the 'After Midnight' club, but it's empty. She heads for the Ritz Carlton and gets a maid to let her into Hank Richards room. She has heard he won't be back for a few hours and she decides to take a bath. However, the maid take sher clothes to be laundered and Bo arrives with a crime boss and suggests they go up to his suite. At La Alamain, Carly wakes in the attic and thinks that it's the past - and it's after the night in the bistro in Paris when James said he loved her.
Bo tells the mob guys that he wants to hire a hit man. They check out the suite but don't go into the bathroom. Billie overhears them talking and after they go back downstairs, she jumps out of the bath only to find that her clothes aren't there. As she's running around she manages to knock something over and there's a loud crash. The men downstairs hear the noise and head up to the bathroom. They see the bath full of water and bubbles but no-one in the room. They are about to go when one of the mob guys realizes that someone is in the bath. Bo reaches in and pulls out a rather wet Billie.
Bo tells the thugs that Billie is his girlfriend but later Malco tells Bo that he's going to have her checked out. If it pans out he'll get Bo the hitman. They go and Billie explains to Bo that her clothes are being laundered and her luggage is at the airport in a locker. Unfortunately the key is with her clothes and the laundry staff can't find it. She convinces Bo to buy her a red dress that is in the window of a boutique in the lobby and Bo tells her that she should be a model.
Bo and Billie go barhopping. Billie sees Curtis in Around Midnight and jumps up onto the stage to sing 'Makin' Whoopee'. Curtis sees her and takes off, Billie tells Bo that the gunman is not there. Later they go back to the hotel and Bo gives Billie a shirt of his to sleep in. He sleeps on the couch and she has the bed with satin sheets.
Billie has a dream where Bo is getting in the bed and saying he can't resist her and kisses her. She is woken by Bo slipping into bed and kissing her but it's because he's heard the maid. He has a shower and Billie orders another dress from downstairs. She also orders a huge breakfast and Bo finds her downstairs eating. Malco turns up and invites them to a party tonight. Bo tells them that Billie is going home but Malco tells them that he expects her to be there. Aussie the cop later tells Bo that he thinks Billie should stay. He gives Bo lists of aliases that the suspects use but Billie sees the one for Curtis and manages to secret it away as Bo gets her a margarita.
Bo tells Billie that he thinks he might be able to get LA PD to pay for her to get some new outfits so that she fits the part. They agree and Billie and Bo head for a boutique in the hotel. The woman assistant intimates that Billie won't be able to afford anything in there so Bo flashes some money around and they leave and go to Fred Haymans where they shop till they drop. Then they go shopping some more. Back at the hotel they get ready for the party and Billie comes out in a stunning long blue dress. She asks if she looks okay for the party and Bo shakes his head and tells her that no, she can't go out like that.
In LA Bo tells Billie not to go away, he'll be right back. Billie gets upset, thinking she looks awful and strips off her dress. Bo comes back to find her all upset and in her underclothes. He apologises and tells her that he thought she looked spectacular and he didn't mean to hurt her feelings. He helps her back into her dress and pulls out a necklace, telling her that's why he went off. It's diamond and sapphires and he tells her it's on loan. He puts it on her and the matching earrings and tells her she looks perfect. Billie can't wipe the grin off her face and she savours the moment, especially once he calls her a princess. They head to Malco's party where Malco dances with Billie, much to Bo and Malco's girlfriends chagrin. Malco decides to get the hired man to come and meet Bo but his girlfriend tells him not to trust them - they're phonies and she can prove it.
Billie and Bo play dumb over the bimbo's accusations and she points out that they act more like brother and sister. So they spin into a nicely choreographed dance that's supposed to prove something. What, I'm not quite sure, but I guess it looked good. Billie decides to visit the little girls room, but before she goes, Bo lays a big smacker on her, just a little more persuasion for his mate Malco. It seems to work, but alas, Billie runs into dear daddy at the lift and tells him to get out or he's in deep shtick. He gets out. Malco gets mad. Bo gets madder. Bo speaks without moving his teeth and then he and Billie skedaddle. Back at the Ritz-Carlton, Bo takes the earrings and necklace to put in the safe. But he tells Billie that they're gonna continue having fun until they catch this gunman.
Bo and Billie are having breakfast and one of Malco's men tells them he's found the hitman and he will be picking them up in an hour. Bo heads off to take the jewels back to the store and Billie tries but fails to get hold of Curtis. Bo comes back with a small pendant for Billie to thank her for all that she has done. She tries to call Curtis again but finds out he left the club half an hour ago. Malco arrives and takes them to a place where they are supposed to meet with the gunman. Vic arranges everything for the wedding and gets Kate to sign a pre-nup agreement. She tells him she's not signing over The Spectator until after they are married. Katerina sees Vivian at the door and wants her to come in and talk to her. They make small talk and then Lawrence takes Vivian outside and tells her he is going to make her pay for what she has done. He heads back inside and Katerina tells him that she had a dream about someone coming between them and it seemed so real. And then she tells him that they had a son in the dream and he was doing everything to get them back together. She wants to know why her dreams are so sad. Lawrence holds her for a while and then she starts coughing. The nurse comes in and checks on her and tells Lawrence that her only hope is Dr. Wu to get back with the healing herb. Meanwhile, downstairs, Vivian is downing the brandy and fretting about Lawrence's possible murderous tendencies. She decides that she has to get a good lawyer who can say that the herbs made her temporarily insane. Ivan mutters that maybe it was permanently insane. She promises Ivan that if he sticks by her she'll find some way to protect them both.
The gunman isn't Curtis and Billie shakes her head discreetly. Bo says that he won't do when it turns out he hasn't worked for 18 months. Malco tells him their deal is over and Bo goes back to see Ozzie. Ozzie gives him photos of Malco's contacts and says that Curtis is the only one who doesn't have an airtight alibi for that day. He also tells Bo that he is known to hang around at 'Round Midnight. Meanwhile Billie is there and finds Curtis is stoned. She threatens to turn him in but he starts crying. She tells him she'll help him and goes off to call a drug clinic. Curtis says to himself that there's no way he'll go into a drug clinic. He has another drink, but Bo comes down the stairs and says he wants to talk to him. However Billie walks out from the back and Bo sees her.