The Promise Ring & Alan Caught
Also: Maison Blanche, Roman Leaves & John's A Priest
Also: Maison Blanche, Roman Leaves & John's A Priest

June 6, 1994 - September 9, 1994
Carrie & Austin Become "Engaged To Be Engaged"
Sami Tells About The Rape
Carrie, Austin, Sami, Lucas Catch Alan
Maison Blanche Storyline - Link To Another Site To Read
Roman & Marlena Divorce & Roman Leaves
John & Kristen Get Back Together & Split Up
John Cracks The Code And Finds Out About His Past
In Salem Mike goes with his new found brother Lucas to the disco and they see Carrie and Austin there and Lucas is sick from seeing them together. Mike is trying to pep talk Lucas so he can forget Carrie.
Austin, Carrie, Lucas, Mike, Jonah, Wendy, Lexie, Abe and Sami are at a "Police Prevention Fundraiser", where Lucas donates $10,000 to impress Carrie.
Sami has a nightmare about the rape and then pigs out.
Lucas tells Alan how he will get Carrie to come back to work for him and away from Austin. After an initial mix-up of both thinking the other wants to marry, Carrie and Austin decide they will get married someday, but not right away. Sami finds out the truth about John and Marlena's imprisonment.
Sami wants Alan to have an AIDS test. Sami's AIDS test is negative but doctor wants her to have a pregnancy test. Alan stops Sami from telling Roman about the rape.
Austin gives Carrie a promise ring which makes them "engaged to be engaged".
Kate tries to deter Lucas from splitting up Austin and Carrie. Sami and Alan continue the "You raped me- No I didn't" saga.Sami and Alan continue the "You raped me- No I didn't" saga.
Lucas realizes there is something going on between Sami and Alan. She later confesses to him about Alan. Sami tell Lucas how Alan raped her.
Lucas confronts Alan and they fight.
Roman tells Sami of his plans to move as Lucas pushes Sami to tell Roman of the rape.
Roman and Marlena divorce. Roman says goodbye to everyone and heads to the airport. Marlena rushes to the airport to see Roman and begs him to stay, but he leaves. Carrie and Lucas race to the airport to tell Roman. Alan's mind is turning weird and we see his "shrine" to Carrie. Sami turns down Marlena's offer to go to Colorado.
Carried decides to trap Alan using herself as bait. Carrie sets her trap at the Health Club where Alan works. Carrie and Lucas talk to a girl who Alan had raped. Carrie continues with her plan for Alan at the Health Club. Unknown to her, Austin has returned from a trip, but Austin almost wrecks her plans by showing up at the Health Club. Lucas and Carrie have a plan to wire her to get Allan's confession.
Because of a heatwave, the power has gone out in Salem. Lucas and Austin come to the rescue of their mother, Kate, who is trapped in an elevator that plummeted as a result of the blackout. Kate. Lucas tells Victor that she's claustrophobic as Kate starts going crazy in the elevator. Vivian slaps her and starts telling Kate about all her loves. Kate tells Vivian how she envy's her. They sort of bond. Austin and Lucas join together to pull up the elevator.
As the Carrie and Lucas are in darkness at her apartment and due to the power failure, Alan calls to cancel. Lucas finds out about his mother and goes to help. Later Alan decides to surprise Carrie. Carrie opens the door to Alan and is scared as he becomes amorous. Alan continues to make a move on Carrie and she runs to the bathroom to ring Lucas. Alan has a knife to Carrie's throat, he drags her to his apartment. With Austin in tow, Lucas realises Carrie needs him and rushes to her apartment. Lucas tells Austin about Sami's rape and Carrie's plan. Austin finds a tape-recorded message from Carrie giving her whereabouts. Austin and Lucas arrive at Alan's apartment to find she's not there. Alan hides Carrie from Austin and Lucas, but Austin finds an earring that Carrie dropped. Austin and Lucas finally go to Abe. Angry with Carrie for dropping the earring, Alan ties her up. In desperation, Carrie gets him to talk. She lies to him that she has feelings for him and Alan wants to make love to her. Carrie still has the wire attached and turns it on so Austin and Lucas can hear her. the morning after the blackout! Marlena comes home from Colorado and finds out about Carrie. Lucas and Austin wait impatiently for Carrie to say where Alan has her. Lucas tells Sami that Alan has Carrie and she has a flashback to her rape and recognises a sound she heard on the tape and realizes Carrie is at Alan's apartment. Alan finds the wire on Carrie. Sami rushes to Alan's apartment to save Carrie. Alan ties up both girls and leaves.
Lucas and Austin race after Alan as he tries to steal a car. Jamie tells Abe that Sami went to save Carrie. Carrie and Sami hatch a plan and knock Alan out, but he comes to as Sami look for the key. Austin and Lucas figure out that the girls are at Alan's apartment. They get there in the knick of time and save the girls. Alan is let out on bail for kidnapping and assault to the shock of everyone. Sami can't go through with laying charges for rape. With Alan about to be released, Sami changes her mind and presses rape charges. Marlena overhears her. Sami gives her statement. Alan refutes everything Sami says. Marlena tries to comfort her but Sami rejects her. Marlena tells John about Sami's rape and he tells her about finding his past and that he is a priest. (Read Other Salem Happenings Below)
Kate asks Billie her opinion on a Countess Wilhelmina display. Kate has thoughts of bringing Billie into the company, but Lucas gives her an ultimatum, him or Billie. Carrie finally decides to go back to work at Countess Wilhelmina.
Other Salem Happenings
Tom Horton dies and family and friends reminisce.
After a few views of his feet, legs and silhouette, Jack Deveraux appears, and has returned.
An informant asks Roman to meet him at a warehouse and gets locked in. The informant turns out to Marlena, who pleads with Roman not to throw away their marriage. She tries to entice him with photos of their time together, but it doesn't work, Roman declares the marriage over. Roman and Marlena divorce and Roman leaves town. Marlena went to Colorado for a few days to recuperate and find her center again.
Kristen overhears Peter and Tony talking, withTony hoping that she believed he was telling the truth. Kristen tells John she overheard Tony say how he lied. John urges her to tell him about their love. After Kristen again fails to tell Tony, John asks her to choose, Tony or him. She wants John and declares her love for him. Because of the heatwave, the power has gone out in Salem. Kristen and John are about to have their way with each other, but of course, Kristen can't go through with it. Tony discharges himself from hospital and is on the way home to be with his wife. Tony discharges himself from hospital and is on the way home to be with his wife, but the chauffuer gets the limo into an accident. Again Kristen stops John, but after one last discussion, they finally make love in the garden. Kristen and John are hard at it. Billie finds Tony and keeps him company while the chauffer goes for help. John and Kristen are STILL at it. During a break, John asks Kristen to move in with him. As Tony is desperate to get back to Kristen, he and Billie start walking home. When they arrive at the house, Billie is astonished to see Kristen & John together. Tony, of course, is oblivious to what is happening. Billie is disappointed in Kristen. Bo finds Billie at the Di Mera's.
Kristen starts to tell Tony she's leaving him, but he falls asleep. Kristen tells John she hasn't told Tony. John still trying to crack the computer password, but Kristen fears it because Stephano told her there was something that would break them up forever in it. Tony triggers Kristen's memory when he calls her "Cara", she asks why he called her that and he replies it's the name Stefano used to call her. She then recalls something John had said about the password for the computer, that Stefano could have used a name for a loved one. Kristen types in the password. Kristen finally finds out about John's past and realizes they can't stay together.
Before Kristen can tell Tony about her & John, Tony admits to knowing about Stefano being alive. She says she knew, but she's still leaving him. She doesn't tell him there is another man. Kristen leaves a "Dear John" letter as John learns about his past. John follows Kristen to the pier and Kristen proclaims their love is dead because (ta ta) John is a Roman Catholic Priest! John believes its one of Stefano's tricks. He doesn't feel like a priest. Kristen is devastated, she feels ashamed, in the eyes of her religion, John is a holy man. John must find prove and goes to see the local priest. He tells John to find out which parish he came from and speak to the bishop. Kristen goes back to see Tony and he suggests she go to a retreat she once visited to think things over. After speaking with a priest who she knew many years ago, Kristen feels ready to follow her heart and tell John that she will tell Tony about the annulment and marry John. Later the same priest sees John and recognizes him as Father John Black. He taught John in the seminary and advised him when he was ordained.
Victor asks Kate to marry him and she says yes.