ALISON SWEENEY'S First Scenes As Sami Brady

Austin lays on the mat but Carrie is screaming at him to get up and at the last moment he does. He knocks the opponent out and wins the $50,000 purse. Later Carrie apologises for her mistake and Austin forgives her. They go out to Wings where Austin gives the loan shark his money and Billie the $5,000 which she gives to John.
Carrie and Austin organize to go to the cabin for the night and Carrie buys a sexy negligee. However Austin has a message from Tim on his answering machine and Tim says that if Austin doesn't bail him out he'll name him to the police. Billie urges Austin to skip town but Austin decides to stay and face the music. Billie goes and takes $2500 of the money she is stashing and says that she hopes she can pay it back somehow. Billie bails Tim out and Bo goes down to question her. He works out pretty quickly that she's covering for Austin.
Billie tells Austin that they have to get out of Salem, she's afraid and he agrees to go. He tries to write a goodbye note to Carrie but she turns up and he takes her down to the Pub where they talk about his mother. Then they go up to the apartment where he give's her his mother's broach. She happens to see the screwed up paper and asks him if it's true - is he really leaving. He tells her he is and she runs out. He finds her outside and they kiss. But Gus's goons grab Carrie and hold her while they start to beat up Austin. Bo and Billie find Austin and Carrie, the goons have spilt leaving Austin bleeding on the ground. They get him to hospital where Carly says he has a lot of trauma to the head and they are not sure how it is going to go. Billie accuses Carrie saying that it was her fault and that she doesn't understand Austin - she's never had life hard. Carrie says that's not fair, she lost her father and then her step-mom, then she had to go stay with her real mom who didn't want her. She just doesn't shove it down people's throats like Billie. She tells Billie that she hasn't cornered the market on suffering. Billie apologises to Carrie and they hug. Then they go into see Austin who is still unconscious.
Austin is still in a coma. Billie and Carrie are asleep in the room when Carly comes in, in the morning. She sends him down for a cat scan and later she tells Carrie and Billie that Austin may have brain damage when and if he comes out of the coma. He comes out at the end.
Austin comes out of the coma and seemed to be alright - apart from the badly broken arm....Roman discovered Carrie's name in the police report and headed down to the hospital to find out what was going on. Carrie wouldn't tell him any thing and she tells him that if she has to choose between him and Austin she'll choose Austin. Roman goes to see Carrie to see if he can get her to talk to him but she won't. She asks him to trust her but he says he can't trust Austin and she is in over her head. She says that he doesn't trust her either. He tells her he just loves her and wants to protect her.
Shady figure sneaking around outside of Brady Pub.
Marlena and Roman come in from skiing (Mar in all her lilac ski gear, earwarmer, and goggles - how CUTE!). Roman's about to take off her boots when a knock at the door interrupts.
Shady figure still sneaking around outside of Brady Pub.
Shady figure that's been sneaking around outside of Brady Pub sneaks in and uses the phone....gets Dr. Evans' answering machine and hangs up.
Austin is released from the hosptial and goes to stay with Carrie as he can't take care of himself because of the broken arm. Austin walks down to the corner to buy Carrie a rose. She sniffs it, puts it in a glass. Austin asks Carrie to help him with his bath. Carrie bathes him, and he pulls her fully clothed into the tub, he laughs.
Carrie wakes up Austin with breakfast and a steamy kiss or five. Billie arrives and the phone rings so Carrie leaves the apartment. Austin receives a package containing boxing gloves and realizes that Gus sent them. Later he is down outside the pub when Gus stops him. Gus tells him he wants him to fight again. Anyway...later Austin is back at the apartment, reading the very first issue of Bella....about the Face of the '90's contest when Carrie comes home. He stuffs the magazine under the couch.
Shady Figure's back and sneaking around outside of Roman and Marlena's house. Shady Figure looks under doormat for key before taking off big derby hat, pulling out a hair pin, and picking the lock to Roman and Marlena's house. She goes inside and looks around. IT'S SAMI BRADY
Roman and Marlena's phone rings. It's Abe from the house telling them the house was broken into, but nothing was stolen that he could tell. A few of Marlena's files were just thrown around. He tells Roman they can't really tell if anything is missing until he and Marlena come home and look for themselves. Roman thanks him, says he owes Abe one. Abe says he owes him a lot more than that, but who's counting? Roman tells Marlena about it all and she's instantly worried that it was some sleazeball tabloid reporter trying to get a scoop on Kimberly's story since the files were all that were bothered. He knows Mar will worry about it all night if they stay there, so he announces the vacation is over and they rush home.
In the time John's upstairs, Roman and Marlena are awakened, decide to go home, pack, check out, and DRIVE HOME from the ski lodge. Marlena immediately heads for the files and is relieved to find that Kim's is still in tact. As they try to figure out what happened, a crash is heard from outside. Cops scatter and Roman goes out, gun drawn, to find the perpetrator. "Daddy, don't!" "Sami??" (She tried to escape out her bedroom window and apparently fell). He doesn't shoot, just stands there still aiming and the sticks spin.