Carrie had her party for Billie. Billie didn't invite Austin but he came with Bridget. Carrie was slow-dancing with Tim when he arrived. Earlier on Austin had told Tim that he's thinking about quitting the bookie business while they are ahead. Austin asked Carrie to dance which she obviously enjoyed, but at the end of the song someone saw a cop car pull up. They got rid of the alcohol but Bo could tell that they'd been drinking. He let Carrie off with a warning but told her to choose her friends more carefully.
Billie manipulates Carrie into going to her court hearing with her. She gets sentenced to community service. Then she manipulates Carrie into lending her her car. At Johnny Angels she figures out that Carrie is still a virgin and is astonished as well as amused. She is just about to jump in the car when Austin spots her - warning her to stay away from Carrie.
Carrie and Billie went to the hospital where Billie has been registered as a volunteer for part of her parole. McCall told Roman about Carrie hanging around with Billie and Roman called his daughter down to the station. He told her he was worried about her but she told him she trusts Billie. Later on Carrie met Billie back to the pub where Billie obtained some ecstasy.
Carrie goes to a rave with Jesse, Billie and Austin. Tim is there and Bridget turns up in a state to talk to Austin. They go to the pub and Austin tells her it looks like it's turning out like Boston all over again. Back at the rave Carrie isn't having fun and wants to go home. Billie convinces her to stay and then slips one of the ecstasy tabs into her soda.
Carrie begins to enjoy the party as the ecstasy takes hold and goes out to the parking lot to make out with Tim. Austin comes back to the party and can tell that Billie is high. She tells him where Carrie is. Tom tells Carrie that he has protection but she ends up pushing him off her. She jumps out of the car as Austin arrives and takes off. He follows her back to her apartment and surmises that Billie slipped her a tab. Then he asks her about Tim. She tells him she thought she wanted to do it but then she couldn't - because of him. She says it's stupid - she knows he doesn't have feelings for her. Austin comes over to her and tells her that she's wrong - he does want her too. She wants to know why he didn't tell her. He says he couldn't - there's some things that she doesn't know about him. She promises that he can talk to her - she won't tell anyone.
Carrie opens the door to Austin who has a red rose. He offers her a ride to the University but she tells him she is going to see John and then to work. Billie turns up and tells Austin that Bridget is looking for him. Austin tells Carrie that Bridget is having some problems and he is helping her work through them. He leaves and Carrie blasts Billie for slipping her the ecstasy. She goes over to see John who is acting very normally for someone who has just lost his wife. She talks to Hailey for a while and then goes to work. At the mall she runs into Billie again. Billie apologises again for the ecstasy incident and then manages to let slip that Austin is behind the gambling operation at Johnny Angels. Carrie goes to see him and tells him she knows and that she doesn‚t mind even though she wishes he'd told her. She tells him it will be their little secret and they kiss.
Isabella Dies & John And Marlena Really Begin:
Isabella was very dehydrated. She asked Carly how much time she has left. Carly, forced to be honest, replied that she doesn't have much. Carly told her that if she doesn't follow her orders she will have no choice but to hospitalize her. Isabella asked Carly to look after Brady if anything ever happened to John. Carly of course agreed. Later John brought Brady in and Isabella told him she had had a dream about her mother. She wants to go home to Italy when the time comes.
Isabella decides she wants to throw a party for all her friends before she leaves Salem for good. John tells her he'll take care of it for her and goes down to meet Vic at Wings. He asks Vic if they can borrow his jet to fly to Italy. Vic agrees and also offers to take care of the arrangements for the party. John goes to see Carly to ask her for equipment etc. To take with them but asks her to keep the trip quiet. Then he goes home with a gift for Isabella. It's a white shawl-collared dress and she 'models' it for him. They dance, catching it on video-tape. The next day Isabella ties up the loose ends of her life.
The following evening, At the party at Wings Isabella sees everyone and then tells John it's time. John gives a video tape to Victor and asks him to introduce it. While it is playing, John and Isabella slip away. Isabella starts with her group of friends asking them all special things. She asks Marlena to take care of John when she is gone because he will need her support and love. She says that people will talk but they will know why. Then she moves onto the families, asking Lawrence to treat John as a brother, asking Bo to forgive Victor and asking Victor to keep his promise to her. Finally she tells them about the star and then tells them that this is the last time she will see them as she, John and Brady are on a plane to Italy right now.
Isabella, John and Brady have been out seeing the sights of Venice. When they get back Isabella is exhausted so Hailey, the nanny Isabella hired to take care of Brady, takes Brady off and John gives her some pain-killers. She gets changed and he brushes her hair. She hears music and they go out to the balcony. The gondolier serenades her and then John does it himself, then they dance. When they get back into the room she is in pain and tells him she feels like she is slipping away. Hailey brings Brady back in and they spend some time together out on the balcony where Isabella tells him some good things that have happened in her life. Hailey takes him back off to bed. They go back into the room and John goes off to have a shower. When he is gone Isabella crawls onto the bed and curls up in agony. When John comes out, he finds that she is burning up and in tears, he tells her that she can't go now...not now.
Isabella tells John that she doesn't want to go to the hospital. She just wants to stay here with him - she feels safe with him. John asks Hailey to call the doctor. He comes but there is nothing that can be done. Isabella asks Hailey to get the priest - John doesn't want her to but Isabella insists. The priest comes and gives Isabella the last rites. John asks Hailey to call home and she gets hold of Bo and tells him. He calls Carly who happens to be with Lawrence at the time. He had come down to get her and the medvan out of the dangerous area. He tells her he's sorry and starts talking about the things he wishes he could change. (I love this side of Lawrence...). Finally, as he is holding her, he tells her he loves her and they kiss! Back in Venice Izzy is going downhill fast. Hailey brings in Brady and she holds him for a while. John takes him back to bed and when he returns Isabella asks him to dance with her. He gathers her up in his arms and dances out to the balcony. The camera fades in to a dream/fantasy sequence of the two dancing (To Bette Middler's version of The Glory Of Love). As Isabella pulls away the camera fades back to John holding her on the balcony. Her arms fall and her body goes limp as John begins to sob
John asks Hailey to call the doctor - he promised he'd take care of all the arrangements. John will call the family and let them know. Later he calls Shawn and Caroline and then takes Brady out onto the balcony where they watch Izzy's star and John talks to her.
Marlena calls John to offer his support and is leaving a message on his phone as he arrives with Hailey and Brady. He tells Hailey not to pick it up and later doesn't really want to hold Brady when she hands the baby to him. He is business as usual until he sees an old note from IzzyB on the fridge. He puts it in the draw and then tells Hailey he has to go out. He goes to Marlena‚s and knocks on the door. She doesn‚t say anything when she opens the door except to invite him in. She makes him some coffee and tells him she knows how he's feeling. He asks her if he's ever going to feel alive again and she tells him that he will. (And will he!) She tells him that she went through the same thing when she lost DJ, she didn't know how she was going to survive the pain, but she did and so will he. But she tells him he‚s got to let the pain out, to break down or it will consume him. He tells her that he loved Isabella and he wants her back. She turns him around and hugs him tightly. At that moment however, Roman walks through the front door and looks none too happy. Marlena left John's side to go to Roman and Roman told John that he was sorry about Isabella. John left and Roman told Marlena it looked like he was coping well. She told him that John isn't. He is bottling it all up and unless he lets it out he is never going to get past this. Later she is on the phone to Caroline about John when Roman comes in. She gets off the phone and tells Roman that she wants to do all she can for John. Roman tells her he knows she cares but John wouldn't want her to put her life on hold. She says this isn‚t about what John wants, it's about what he needs. And she thinks she knows what that is. Roman doesn't look entirely convinced. Later on Roman comments that it's not very often that they are on their own. Marlena says that he has his work... then their conversation turns to John again and Roman starts to get a little bolshy. Marlena wants to know if she is getting attitude from him.
Roman offers to take Marlena to work but she says she has to go straight away as she has some loose ends to tie up before she goes to New York, and she also wants to stop in on John on the way. Roman isn't thrilled but she tells him she promised Isabella that she would look after John. At the loft, Hailey finishes putting the last of Isabella's things into boxes and brings down two videotapes. One is for Brady and one for John. John tells her to put them on the table. Marlena arrives and John tells her that the talk they had yesterday really did the trick. She tells him that it was a good *start*. He tells her he has a new purpose in life - to catch up on his business. She asks about Brady but he keeps changing the subject back to work. She sees the tapes on the table and asks him about it. He says he hasn‚t seen them and she tells him he's in denial and he‚s losing touch with himself. He tells her he‚s fine, he‚s just busy. She tells him he's lying to himself. She knows him, she knows his heart and his soul and she knows how much he's hurting. He still denies it...and tells her that he can‚t afford to feel anything right now. She slips up and calls him honey and tells him the longer he puts it off the worse it's gonna be. He tells her about the Lawrence business and then tells her he can't talk about it right now. She tells him it's okay but that when he is ready, she will be right here - and so will Isabella. She leaves and John takes the tape out of it's case but then puts it back away again. Later on he puts Brady down in the crib and then takes out the tape and puts it in the machine. He sits on the couch and hugs a teddy-bear to him as he cries.
Supposedly At The Same Time:
Jenn and Jack are about to go out and pick up a crib from Maggie's farmhouse when they find Bill at the door. He has decided it is too long since he has visited. When he finds out that they have been thrown out of their apartment he offers them the cottage that he has been renting out all these years. Julie, who has just arrived, starts to say something but Bill cuts her off. Jack refuses, but later agrees, only on condition that they buy the place from him. They then go out to get the crib (with a storm on the way - dumb move guys....). Back in the house Bill tells Julie he hopes that the history of the cottage doesn't impact on Jenn and Jack.
Jack and Jenn are driving in the rain when Jenn has a pain. She convinces Jack it's not labour but as she's reading names out of the family bible, her waters break. He is trying to help her breathe when a car comes towards them and runs them into a ditch. They get stuck and have to break into a cottage in the woods. Jenn's contractions are getting closer and closer together while Jack is getting more and more panicky. He calls the ambulance twice and then calls Bill. Bill is about to give him instructions but the line goes dead. Time is moving on and Jenn tells Jack the baby is coming.
Jenn tells Jack the baby is coming but he keeps telling her to wait and telling the baby to wait. But when Jenn starts screaming he realizes he is going to have to deliver the child. When he tells her she is ten centimeters dilated she tells him she can't do it and isn't going to do it. He tells her she is and gets her to start pushing. Before they know it, Jack has delivered them a baby girl. Later Jenn calls Alice and tells her they've named the baby Abigail, after Alice's mother. Alice has just heard the news about Isabella and later she tells Tom that one precious life left the world tonight and a precious one came into it.
Jenn, Jack and Abigail arrive home from the hospital. Jenn tells Alice and Jo that Jack is driving her crazy, he's so overprotective. Jo and Alice tell Jenn and Jack that they will look after the baby if they want to go catch up with Bill at the house. The go and the place is a mess. Jack doesn't like it but Jenn can see the potential. However later Bill tells himself that they must never find out what happened in this house.