April 5- April 30, 1993
Bryan Dattilo's First Scenes - Marlena Is Pregnant
Marlena, Carrie and Sami spend the day going through old baby stuff (cute Sami/Mar scene!) Sami and Carrie fight, about Marlena and about Austin. Kim talks Carrie into taking off the bandages again to let the scars heal.
John drops Brady off at Marlena's as Carrie and Sami are looking after him while John goes off to the Bella retreat.
Sami cooks Austin breakfast and asks him to go to the Cherish concert with her. He says he is already going to cover it for the show. Jenn arrives, just as Sami is leaving and tells Austin that Sami has a huge crush on him. Austin says he knows, but he doesn't want to hurt or humiliate her.
Sami and Carrie go and pick up some gear from Carrie's apartment. They run into Austin in the hall but Carrie is offhand with him. Sami talks her into going to the Cherish concert but once there abandons her to go and get Cherish's autograph. Inside the dressing room, Cherish is scrumpin' our boy Lucas. She heads off to get ready for the concert, leaving Lucas to get dressed. Austin isoutside trying to get in with his arranged interview with Cherish and with his aid, Sami sneaks in and manages to get a good view of Lucas's behind.... Carrie manages to get accosted by a photographer who wants to take her picture as she is one of the Face of the 90's contestants.
Austin saves Carrie from the photographer and takes her home where in the car, he tells her about WendyĆs baby. Love Me Tender comes on the radio and they almost kiss but Carrie leaps out of the car and runs inside. Meanwhile, back at the concert, Cherish tells Sami to get out of her dressing room. Sami leaves the concert and goes to Titan. Kate asks her to take care of her son Lucas when he arrives. She offers Sami a summer internship at Titan. Sami calls Jamie and tells her about these developments. When Lucas eventually comes in, in his military uniform Sami thinks she has seen him before.
The psychic (Twila) tells John he is in love with a woman with the initial M. After a moment, he recovers and tells her that he does care for a lady, Rebecca Morrison. Rebecca is thrilled and thinks that John is declaring his love for her. However, the psychic knows that it is Marlena. Roman turns up and Twila reads his palm, telling him that they are going for a trip to the mountains.
Marlena tries to talk Roman out of them going to the mountains but it doesn't work and they go. They get there and head out to play tennis. When they get back to the room, they end up play-fighting on the bed. Roman decides he needs a shower and heads off to the bathroom. Marlena gathers some clothes from a bag and heads to what she thinks is a closet door. However, when she opens it, she discovers it is a door to an adjoining room, and John and Rebecca are lying on the bed making out.
Marlena apologizes to John and Rebecca and goes back into her own room but John still feels bad. Rebecca tells him not to worry so much about other people. Roman and Marlena head out for a walk around the lake. However, they manage to bump into John and Rebecca, who had much the same idea. Marlena is clearly uncomfortable.
Back at the resort, she is woken by the sounds of John and Rebecca laughing. When they quieten down, she goes to the window, where she takes an ice-cube and runs it down her neck. After several moments, she takes her robe and slips out of the room - destines for the hot springs. Down there, she slips out of the silken robe and negligee she is wearing and into the pool. John, hot after his bonkfest, goes to the window and sees Marlena as she slides into the water. He watches her for several moments, and then, unable to stand it any longer, he takes his key and leaves the room.
John makes it to the hot springs, just in time to see Marlena dive under the water. When she doesn't surface, he panics, disrobes and dives in. He comes up but he still can't see her, so her dives under again. He comes up the second time with Marlena in his arms. She's a little surprised when he tells her he didn't see her come up and was frightened for her. The sexual tension as they are so close gets too much and the begin to kiss hungrily. Eventually, John regretfully (and most irritatingly) pulls himself away. He says that they should get out before they do something they will regret. They get out and dry themselves. Marlena puts her negligee and robe back on and John his robe. John apologises to her for what just happened, but she tells him that it was her fault. She tells him she willed him to come down to the pond. She explains that she heard him and Rebecca laughing, and she knew when it stopped that they would begin to make love, and she couldn't bear that so she had to get away. She knows him so well, she knows his body, she knows how hot he gets after making love and she knew he would go to the window to get some air. So she went down to the springs and she knew, if he saw her there, he would be drawn to her. He has been so good about the whole thing, and she has done nothing but push him away. She pushed him into someone else's arms, and the moment he was there, she couldn't bear it. So she wooed him back, she seduced him back and she is so ashamed of herself. He tells her it is not her fault. He tells her that nothing ever has, or will, take away his love for her. She asks about Isabella. He tells her he loved Isabella with all his heart, but it didn't take away his love for her. Marlena asks him if he can point out Isabella's star. He does and she tells Isabella that they were just having a 'moment' but that they will be fine. Eventually they decide to go back to the resort, but as they do, they hear a noise in the bushes and realize that someone has been watching them.
John comes to Marlena's room in the morning to talk about who it was who saw them at the pond. Marlena is not sure if it was Roman, he seemed to be asleep when she came in. Roman is furious when he comes into the room and finds John there, with Marlena still in her nightwear. John makes some excuse about bring Marlena a change in schedule for the day. Roman mutters that he is going for a shower and Marlena thinks he knows. She determines to tell him the truth about everything, but John asks her to wait a while. He goes downstairs and Victor tells him that it was he who saw them last night. John calls Mar as she's about to tell Roman. She puts down the phone and tells Roman impassionedly that she loves him.
Later, Roman goes downstairs and John invites him for a one on one basketball. They play like men possessed and a bystander comments to Vic that they must be playing for something really important. Marlena comes out and stops them, just as things are about to get brutal and she takes Roman off for lunch. Prophetically, Vic tells John that it's not over between he and Marlena. He and Marlena and Roman are on a collision course with fate. And God help them all when it happens.
Marlena is feeling nauseous at the pub and goes to the bathroom to freshen up. Kim comes into the pub and Shawn asks her to talk to Marlena as he is worried about her. Kim does and gradually comes to the conclusion that Marlena could well be pregnant. Marlena says absolutely not, there is no way she could be pregnant. Kim tells her to just go and get a test anyway, just in case. Marlena says to drop it, in no uncertain terms, but later at the hospital, she does pick up a home test. When she gets home, she quickly does it and discovers the distressing news that she is, indeed pregnant. But with who's child?