Carrie tells Austin about her bet on a horse race. Later she wins and Jesse collects $300 for her. She goes on a shopping spree and then bumps into Austin again. Austin stops by Johnny Angels and Tells Tim not to accept bets from Jesse when he's betting for a friend. Because that friend is the daughter of the police chief.
Bo and his partner Taylor are having breakfast at Johnny Angels. Austin is there and says Hi to Bo. When the cops leave, he tells the waitress that she's not to take any bets when they are around. She says that she knows and she gives him his takings for the morning. It's $500 dollars which is going to come in quite handy as Austin is sending money to someone. However he is stopped by a man with a knife who just lost a lot of money there. He wants the money that Austin has but Bo and Taylor come rushing back. Bo gets swiped with the knife but it's only a flesh wound and they take the guy away. This means trouble for Austin because the guy could spill the beans!
Carrie opens her door to get the paper and finds Austin standing there. Only problem is she has forgotten that she has a green face-mask on. She's dreadfully embarrassed but he puts her a little at ease. He wants to check if they are still going to Wings tonight. When he is gone she calls Wings to check her reservations, but they've lost them. She panics and then manages to find Julie who agrees to let her in. AT the mall she sees Austin kissing Bridget at Johnny Angel's. She goes over to check that tonight is still on. When she goes, Tim asks Austin why, if he's not planning to date Carrie, is he hanging around with her so much. Austin doesn't quite have an answer.
Austin arrives to pick up Carrie (albeit a little late). He Makes up for it by bringing her a red rose. They go to Wings for the jazz concert and meet up with a sax player that used to play with Curtis. He gets Austin up to play a set on the piano. When they get home, Austin kisses Carrie on the cheek and then goes back to his own flat.
Also Going On Isabella's Cancer Discovered By Carly After Hospital Tests
Carly gets a phone call. She asks the person if they are sure and then says that she'll get down to the hospital She calls Isabella and asks her to come down for an ultrasound because they found something in the tests. Isabella tells John that she's going but lies about the reason. When she gets there, Carly does the ultrasound. After IzzyB is dressed, she asks Carly what she found. Carly suggests that perhaps she get John in before she tells her. Isabella says no, she wants to know now. Carly tells her that she found a mass on her pancreas. IzzyB asks what that means. Carly says they won't know until they do a biopsy. Isabella asks if Carly is trying to tell her that she might have cancer. Regretfully Carly answers yes. Isabella asks Carly what her chances are if it is cancer. Carly tells her that it's better not to get into that until they know and she schedules the biopsy for 10am the following morning. She tells Isabella to go home and tell John, he'll want to be there for her. Isabella agrees and goes. Isabella goes home but doesn't tell John anything. They lie on the couch and John talks about buying a cabin in the woods for Brady and all his little brothers and sisters to run around in. Carly gives Isabella the news that it's cancer (just missed this bit :0( ) Isabella asks what treatments they can give but Carly tells her that pancreatic cancer is very hard to treat. Meanwhile, back at the loft, Isabella tells John that Carly was there in her capacity as a doctor. She tells him about all the tests that were run and then tells him that she wants to grow old with him. He asks her to tell him, so she does. John goes to the hospital and asks Carly what she can do for IzzyB. She tells him nothing, Isabella is terminal. He won't believe it and insist that if Carly won't do anything, he'll find someone who will.
Friday, March 30, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
August 17 - 20, 1992
Roman goes to see Carrie. Stella turns up with a meatloaf she had arranged with Jesse to come round and they ask Roman to stay. It turns out that Stella and Roman are both Cubs fans and spend a lot of the evening discussing it. After they both leave, there is a knock at the door. Earlier on Carrie had told Austin to come round because she had a surprise for him. The knock is him and she gives him the surprise - an old album of his father's - Curtis Reed. She asks Austin what he was like but Austin tells her he can't really remember. Then he thanks her and go straight into the arms of a blonde from Boston.
Carrie and Jesse work out their finances and realize that they can't afford to pay all their bills. They decide to get some extra work at Ballistics, but when ask Mandi, she tells them that she has too many staff as it is and that she's going to have to *cut* their hours. Carrie goes to Johnny Angels to wallow in her misery. She gets up to leave and the heel breaks off her shoe. When she bends down to retrieve it, she bangs her head on the table and she starts to cry. Austin comes and asks her what's wrong. She tells him that she can't afford to have her shoe fixed and she has no money. He takes her off to fix it and says he'll shout her lunch and they can talk about it. Meanwhile, Jesse meets a friend who tells him about the betting at Johnny Angels. He goes in and lays a bet with Austin's piece of fluff.
Carrie comes home after having dinner with Roman and brings a steak sandwich home for Jesse. He shows her the fridge full of food but before she can ask him where the money came from, Stella arrives. Stella tells them both what Roman has done for her. After she leaves, Jesse tells Carrie that he won the money through the betting at Johnny Angels. Carrie is surprised - saying that she's never seen any sign of it there but Jesse says it's well hidden. She can't get the oven to work and he says that he didn't pay the gas bill - he'll have to make another trip down to JA's.
Stella gets the job at the police station and comes to tells Jesse. Carrie asks Austin to a Jazz evening at Wings and then realizes that she doesn't have anything to wear. refusing to ask Roman for the money she asks Jesse to lay a bet for her at Johnny Angels.
Also Happening Isabella's Cancer Is Beginning:
John and Isabella head off to the board meeting where Isabella has them all eating out of her hand. The pains she is having seem to be getting worse but she is hiding it quite well. They decide to go out for a celebration dinner at Wings (and see Bo and Carly). They are dancing when John leans Isabella back and she has a big twinge. John apologizes and she asks if they can go home to continue their celebration in private. There are lots of references throughout the program to how happy they are, what luck they have and how they are the perfect couple. Isabella tells John that she wants him to build them a big house with a big nursery and she wants to give him a daughter. It's obvious things are building up for a BIG tragedy!
Carrie and Jesse work out their finances and realize that they can't afford to pay all their bills. They decide to get some extra work at Ballistics, but when ask Mandi, she tells them that she has too many staff as it is and that she's going to have to *cut* their hours. Carrie goes to Johnny Angels to wallow in her misery. She gets up to leave and the heel breaks off her shoe. When she bends down to retrieve it, she bangs her head on the table and she starts to cry. Austin comes and asks her what's wrong. She tells him that she can't afford to have her shoe fixed and she has no money. He takes her off to fix it and says he'll shout her lunch and they can talk about it. Meanwhile, Jesse meets a friend who tells him about the betting at Johnny Angels. He goes in and lays a bet with Austin's piece of fluff.
Carrie comes home after having dinner with Roman and brings a steak sandwich home for Jesse. He shows her the fridge full of food but before she can ask him where the money came from, Stella arrives. Stella tells them both what Roman has done for her. After she leaves, Jesse tells Carrie that he won the money through the betting at Johnny Angels. Carrie is surprised - saying that she's never seen any sign of it there but Jesse says it's well hidden. She can't get the oven to work and he says that he didn't pay the gas bill - he'll have to make another trip down to JA's.
Stella gets the job at the police station and comes to tells Jesse. Carrie asks Austin to a Jazz evening at Wings and then realizes that she doesn't have anything to wear. refusing to ask Roman for the money she asks Jesse to lay a bet for her at Johnny Angels.
Also Happening Isabella's Cancer Is Beginning:
John and Isabella head off to the board meeting where Isabella has them all eating out of her hand. The pains she is having seem to be getting worse but she is hiding it quite well. They decide to go out for a celebration dinner at Wings (and see Bo and Carly). They are dancing when John leans Isabella back and she has a big twinge. John apologizes and she asks if they can go home to continue their celebration in private. There are lots of references throughout the program to how happy they are, what luck they have and how they are the perfect couple. Isabella tells John that she wants him to build them a big house with a big nursery and she wants to give him a daughter. It's obvious things are building up for a BIG tragedy!
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
August 4, 5 & 7, 1992
Marlena gets a subpoena to appear at Roger's trial - for the defense. She tells Roman that she thinks that Roger should be punished for what he's done and she won't say any different. Roger is at the hospital and peeking in at Kim when Stella finds him. He tells her that he was just seeing if she was okay. She sends him off and then goes in to see Kim. She tells her that she's sorry about what happened but basically puts the blame on Marlena - saying that Roger can't handle the therapy and it's never going to help him. She asks Kim to tell Marlena that she should stop seeing Roger - Stella can get him to stop drinking on her own.
Carrie asks Julie to give Austin a job playing the piano so she offers him casual work - including the Alamain party tonight. Carrie decides to crash the party so that she can hear Austin play.
Meanwhile, Roger pays Jesse a visit to apologize. Jesse gets really upset and tries to hit Roger. Carrie pulls him away and Roger leaves looking shocked. Carrie and Jesse then go and crash the party but Carrie runs out when Lawrence gets a bit too friendly. Roman gets a call from Stella who had just been phoned by Roger telling her what happened with Jesse and that he's not coming home. Roman finds Jesse and Carrie and asks Jesse if he knows where Roger would be. He says no and he and Carrie go to stay with Marlena, in case Roger goes back to their apartment. Marlena manages to get Jesse to think of a place where Roger might be. He tells her an old warehouse he likes. She grabs her coat and leaves, telling Jesse to go home and stay with his Mom and Carrie to stay with the twins. When she gets to the warehouse she finds Roger, in tears.
Carrie asks Julie to give Austin a job playing the piano so she offers him casual work - including the Alamain party tonight. Carrie decides to crash the party so that she can hear Austin play.
Meanwhile, Roger pays Jesse a visit to apologize. Jesse gets really upset and tries to hit Roger. Carrie pulls him away and Roger leaves looking shocked. Carrie and Jesse then go and crash the party but Carrie runs out when Lawrence gets a bit too friendly. Roman gets a call from Stella who had just been phoned by Roger telling her what happened with Jesse and that he's not coming home. Roman finds Jesse and Carrie and asks Jesse if he knows where Roger would be. He says no and he and Carrie go to stay with Marlena, in case Roger goes back to their apartment. Marlena manages to get Jesse to think of a place where Roger might be. He tells her an old warehouse he likes. She grabs her coat and leaves, telling Jesse to go home and stay with his Mom and Carrie to stay with the twins. When she gets to the warehouse she finds Roger, in tears.
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
July 29, 1992 -
Jesse doesn't trust Austin and tells Carrie so, and she goes to question Austin about who the guy at his door was. Austin tells her a story about him being a brother of a friend. A naive Carrie believes him. Carrie goes back and tells Jesse that Austin is the most honest person she knows. Later on Austin meets up with some other guy at Salem U and tells him to come himself next time he wants to see him. They talk about some illegal stuff going on on campus.
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
July 24, 1992
Carrie goes down to the pier and bumps into Austin. He asks if he can walk her home and she accepts. In the pier's shadows, we see a person lurking watching Austin. Marlena stops by Carrie's apartment to see her, and finds Stella there visiting Jesse. Marlena tells them of Kim's recovery, which is good news for Roger. Marlena asks Carrie to have dinner with her at Wings and they head out. Austin is there and they invite him to have dinner with them. Marlena can tell Carrie has a huge crush on Austin. She tells Julie and Julie tells her she recognized it as well. Austin asks if he can take Carrie back to the apartment. Shortly after they arrive, Jesse comes home and tells Austin that there is someone knocking at his door. When Austin goes to see who it is, we see it is the guy who was lurking on the pier. We discover it is a friend/former business associate of Austin's whom Austin tells to leave.
Monday, March 5, 2007
July 22, 1992 Carrie And Austin's First Date

Saturday, March 3, 2007
July 20 & 21, 1992 - Austin Sees A Crime
Roger, Jesse's father, accidentally hit Carrie's Aunt Kim with his car. He is afraid and drives away, but Austin sees his registration number and calls the police.
Austin stops by the apartment to ask Carrie how Kim is doing. He tells Carrie he was glad he was able to turn in the creep who hit Kim. Jesse tells Austin that his Dad Roger was the one who hit Kim and gets offended. After Jesse leaves, Carrie tells Austin about Jesse's background and that Jesse didn't mean to be rude. Austin tells Carrie that Jess is lucky to have her as a friend. Carrie tries to get Jesse to understand that Austin didn't mean things the way they came out. Jesse gets angry again and runs out. Carrie goes after him, begging that Jesse not shut her out.
Austin stops by the apartment to ask Carrie how Kim is doing. He tells Carrie he was glad he was able to turn in the creep who hit Kim. Jesse tells Austin that his Dad Roger was the one who hit Kim and gets offended. After Jesse leaves, Carrie tells Austin about Jesse's background and that Jesse didn't mean to be rude. Austin tells Carrie that Jess is lucky to have her as a friend. Carrie tries to get Jesse to understand that Austin didn't mean things the way they came out. Jesse gets angry again and runs out. Carrie goes after him, begging that Jesse not shut her out.

Thursday, March 1, 2007
July 17, 1992 - The Men In Carrie's Life Meet
Carrie and Austin go to the pub. Roman is helping Shawn with some work. Carrie introduces Austin to Roman. Roman is very nice and friendly toward Austin. Carrie watches suspiciously. Later Roman takes Austin aside. Austin tells Roman that he thinks of Carrie as a sister and is happy to keep an eye on Carrie. Roman eyes him suspiciously until Austin tells Roman he believes that Carrie is a little too young for him.

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