Friday, March 30, 2007

August 24 - September 4, 1992

Carrie tells Austin about her bet on a horse race. Later she wins and Jesse collects $300 for her. She goes on a shopping spree and then bumps into Austin again. Austin stops by Johnny Angels and Tells Tim not to accept bets from Jesse when he's betting for a friend. Because that friend is the daughter of the police chief.

Bo and his partner Taylor are having breakfast at Johnny Angels. Austin is there and says Hi to Bo. When the cops leave, he tells the waitress that she's not to take any bets when they are around. She says that she knows and she gives him his takings for the morning. It's $500 dollars which is going to come in quite handy as Austin is sending money to someone. However he is stopped by a man with a knife who just lost a lot of money there. He wants the money that Austin has but Bo and Taylor come rushing back. Bo gets swiped with the knife but it's only a flesh wound and they take the guy away. This means trouble for Austin because the guy could spill the beans!

Carrie opens her door to get the paper and finds Austin standing there. Only problem is she has forgotten that she has a green face-mask on. She's dreadfully embarrassed but he puts her a little at ease. He wants to check if they are still going to Wings tonight. When he is gone she calls Wings to check her reservations, but they've lost them. She panics and then manages to find Julie who agrees to let her in. AT the mall she sees Austin kissing Bridget at Johnny Angel's. She goes over to check that tonight is still on. When she goes, Tim asks Austin why, if he's not planning to date Carrie, is he hanging around with her so much. Austin doesn't quite have an answer.

Austin arrives to pick up Carrie (albeit a little late). He Makes up for it by bringing her a red rose. They go to Wings for the jazz concert and meet up with a sax player that used to play with Curtis. He gets Austin up to play a set on the piano. When they get home, Austin kisses Carrie on the cheek and then goes back to his own flat.

Also Going On Isabella's Cancer Discovered By Carly After Hospital Tests

Carly gets a phone call. She asks the person if they are sure and then says that she'll get down to the hospital She calls Isabella and asks her to come down for an ultrasound because they found something in the tests. Isabella tells John that she's going but lies about the reason. When she gets there, Carly does the ultrasound. After IzzyB is dressed, she asks Carly what she found. Carly suggests that perhaps she get John in before she tells her. Isabella says no, she wants to know now. Carly tells her that she found a mass on her pancreas. IzzyB asks what that means. Carly says they won't know until they do a biopsy. Isabella asks if Carly is trying to tell her that she might have cancer. Regretfully Carly answers yes. Isabella asks Carly what her chances are if it is cancer. Carly tells her that it's better not to get into that until they know and she schedules the biopsy for 10am the following morning. She tells Isabella to go home and tell John, he'll want to be there for her. Isabella agrees and goes. Isabella goes home but doesn't tell John anything. They lie on the couch and John talks about buying a cabin in the woods for Brady and all his little brothers and sisters to run around in. Carly gives Isabella the news that it's cancer (just missed this bit :0( ) Isabella asks what treatments they can give but Carly tells her that pancreatic cancer is very hard to treat. Meanwhile, back at the loft, Isabella tells John that Carly was there in her capacity as a doctor. She tells him about all the tests that were run and then tells him that she wants to grow old with him. He asks her to tell him, so she does. John goes to the hospital and asks Carly what she can do for IzzyB. She tells him nothing, Isabella is terminal. He won't believe it and insist that if Carly won't do anything, he'll find someone who will.

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