Austin tries to get Carrie to tell him she loves him after the kiss, but the girl is too determined and he doesn't succeed.
Roman calls Caroline at the Penthouse Grill and she and Carrie rush to the hospital. They are all standing around like spare parts when the Doctor comes out and asks them why nobody told him that Marlena was pregnant.
At the hospital, Carrie and Sami get Jonah and Austin in to see Marlena. She tells them about Wendy intending to go to Chicago. Lucas comes over with the flowers. Marlena sees the Lilacs and says she can't believe Kate remembered after all these years. Lucas asks if she knew Kate before but Marlena covers and says that she meant all these *weeks* - she told Kate about the lilacs at the retreat. Later Austin comes back to talk to Marlena about Carrie but Roman finds him there and is none to pleased.
Sami comes in and tells Marlena that she is sorry she didn't get anything for Mother's Day (that is, after Marlena tells her the baby is due in the fall). Marlena tells her that's okay - she's happy as long as she's there with her sweetie-girl and hugs her.
Austin and Jonah put up fliers to try and contact Wendy and she sees one.
Wendy tells the social services woman that he's her baby and she can't take him away. The others (including Abe, Lexie, Billie and Carrie) vow to help her find a job and a place to live. The social services woman agrees that Wendy deserves a chance and vows to her that social services will not fail her.
Carrie meets Lucas, Lucas falls for Carrie.
Sami invites Austin to the Spring Fling (poor guy) but he tells her she's too young. She vows to make him see that she's not and that she is the right woman for him - the only woman that will be able to help him get over Carrie. To do this she offers to help Lucas find out the truth about his Dad in return for accompanying her (in military uniform) to the dance, to make Austin jealous.
Marlena heads home where Carrie is organizing a welcome home party. However, once there, Roman asks Carrie if she picked up the cake to celebrate their Scorpio baby. Carrie is confused - she thought it was going to be a Libra baby. Roman tells them that he was talking to a nurse at the hospital who told them that their baby is going to be a Scorpio baby too and she has access to Marlena's records. Marlena tells them all it was a mix-up but John looks rather interested. Sami however, looks rather sick.
Phillip decides that Austin and Jenn can cover the Spring Fling for the show.
At the hospital, Lucas gets a copy of his birth certificate, and everything checks out. Alice remembers that Tom delivered him and then puts two and two together and realizes Kate was the woman who was beaten. Tom can't remember who it was that recommended her as a patient, but it must have been someone important as he was taking a break at that time. Alice also talks to a woman moaning about not getting a grant to keep the teen centre open. Guess who?
Lucas and Sami tried to find out the truth about his dad.
Carrie went swimming in the Horton's pool and Alice called Austin to come over. Austin and Carrie agreed to be friends.
Sami has someone at the station check out the photo of Lucas's dad. They discover it was taken at the Salem Photography Studio.
Sami and Lucas take the photo down to the studio where the young guy tells them that the man who took the photo will be in later and he will get him to have a look at it.Carrie tells Roman that she is moving out.
Marlena and Carrie help Sami get ready for the spring fling. Sami looks gorgeous in a red off the shoulder dress that Carrie paid for. Lucas comes and picks her up in Victor's Porsche.
Roman has to take photos of his little girl before Sami and Lucas leave. But before they do, Lucas congratulates Carrie on winning the Face of the 90's contest. Sami and Lucas turn up at the Spring Fling and Sami does her best to make Austin jealous and is convinced it's working. However Austin is mooning over Carrie. Carrie runs out of the house and tracks Kate down at the dance. She is in tears and begs Kate to stop it because she thinks that everyone has voted for her out of pity.
Lucas gets the guy from the photography studio to meet him at the dance, where he tells Lucas that Kate Roberts purchased the photograph recently.
Sami manages to score a dance with Austin.
Kate takes Carrie down to her office and talks to her about the competition. Carrie is adamant that she wants to pull out of the contest and Kate calls the printers, but the mag has already gone to press. Austin comes in and tries to convince Carrie that she will get through this.
Lucas is pretty po'd at Kate and gets drunk at the dance. He heads to the lift but Sami follows him and tells him she won't let him drive. She hits a button in the elevator and they get off at Kate's floor. Lucas yells at him Mom wanting to know why she lied. She pulls him into the office and he tells her he knows about the photograph.
Carrie heads home, but Austin follows her and climbs up to her room and through her window. He tells her that he's really sorry that he didn't get her out of the competition and that she's hurting so much, but that he's also kinda glad she can't pull out of it because now everyone else will see what he sees. He tells her how incredibly beautiful she is to him and tells her that he will go if she gives him a kiss. She agrees grudgingly, but it soon becomes willing as they sink to her bed. However she shoots upright when she hears a car and realizes that Roman is home.
Roman comes up and knocks on Carrie's door. Carrie leaves Austin behind in her bedroom and goes out to talk to her father. She asks Roman to get her out of the Face of the 90's contest and Roman agrees that if it's that important to her he will try. However he still isn't happy about Carrie moving back into her apartment and Austin overhears him mention something about his and Carrie's deal. Carrie goes back to her room and sends Austin home, adamant that it's over.Kate and Lucas fight, Kate tells him that he was illegitimate and she doesn't know his real father's name. Lucas tells Kate that he's not going back to military school, or Westpoint and he's staying here in Salem or she'll never see him again.
Kate is afraid to tell Lucas the truth about his father. Lucas suspects that she still may be lying and tells her he will never love her again if she is. Kate goes to see Marlena who encourages her to tell Austin the whole truth.
Carrie moves back into her own apartment. Marlena is worried about how she is going to cope with Austin next door, but Carrie promises that she will be fine. However Austin has a plan to get her back - he's bought himself a new piano and after Carrie gets back to the apartment, she hears him playing.

Billie gives Carrie an job doing her accounts for Countess Wilhelmina and Jenn offers to lend them her laptop for a while. Kim comes by and is told another Brady secret. Carrie tells her about her and Roman's deal - but Kim thinks that she is using that for an excuse.
Sami decides to go on a diet and Lucas rubs it in more when he tells her she'll have to have a great bod to get Austin to notice her.
Roman tries to fix the air-conditioning and Alice gives him some advice he doesn't want to hear - namely to change his mind about Austin - Austin and Carrie belong together. She advises him to go and talk to Austin after his show today.
Roman talks to Kim and Jennifer who both try and convince him that Austin is a changed man, but a drunk guy comes along (he's an ex-boxer) and blames Austin for ruining his career. He says that Austin wouldn't throw the fight and accuses Austin of killing Gus Bartoli. Roman walks away but Austin follows him and tells him that he thinks Roman has something to do with the wall Carrie is putting up.
Carrie goes to see Dr. Phelps. He tells her that he may be able to heal her skin with grafts but since the area is large, he will probably have to take some skin from her body. Carrie is distressed at the thought of further scars without any guarantee of her face being healed and decides that she doesn't want to go through the surgery.
Wendy comes back to the pier where Marlena collapses. Wendy gets a passerby to call an ambulance.
At the police station, Abe gets a call to say that a woman fitting Marlena's description has been reported. John and Roman get down to the pier and go with Marlena and Wendy to the hospital. In the Trauma Centre, the doctor wants to do a cat scan to determine the amount of trauma to Marlena's head, but when he mentions it, she mutters something about her baby.
Roman is thrilled that Marlena is preggers but the doctor explains that she could have a subdural hematoma and if that was not operated on, it would be fatal. However, a cat scan to could well harm the baby. Roman is torn and doesn't know what to do. John thinks the first consideration should be Marlena. Roman goes to talk to her and she tells him to save her baby. So then, they all head off to the chapel to pray and talk to themselves.John sneaks into Marlena's room once Roman is gone and tells Marlena that if this is his baby he won't stay away and if it is, their bond of love will get them through anything. Marlena is upset by this. Roman comes back later for the ultrasound. The doctor says that the baby looks fine and Marlena asks Roman to go and tell everyone at the pub the good news. Once he is gone, she asks the doc to do the measurements and tell her when the baby was conceived.
It's Mothers Day and Dr. Morgan tells Marlena that her baby was conceived in early February. Marlena realizes that means she still doesn't know who the father is. When John comes in however, she lies and tells him that the baby was conceived around New Years and he couldn't be the father. John is disappointed and tells her that he felt intuitively that it was his baby She tells him that she loves him (sob) but that this is bets for all of them. He tells her to take care of herself and then leaves. She begins to cry, not knowing if she has done the right thing.
Meanwhile, John goes down to the pier and remembers the night they were both at the pier and admitted their true feelings. He finally says goodbye to Marlena as he tears up a photo of her.
Marlena is waiting for her discharge papers when John comes in and tells her and Roman that he wants to talk to them about the baby, it's really important. He tells them that when Roman came back, he couldn't let go of that life. Giving up that kind of love was too hard. But now with them making a new start with the baby, he thinks it is time he got on with his life and stayed out of theirs. He wishes them the best of luck and then leaves. Roman is surprised and tells Marlena that he feels bad about how hard he's been on John. He follows John and brings him back to the room. There he tells John and Marlena that he is sorry for the way he has tried to push John out of the family. Carrie told him how lucky he is - how he has everything that a man would want and he realized she was right. He tells Marlena that after he came back and they tried to go back to living normal lives he had a whole lot of insecurities and it didn't make it easy for them. He tells her that it was silly, but that he wasn't secure in her love for him, until the moment he found out that she was pregnant. He says he knows that he is a very lucky man and that he should never have tried to push John out of their lives. Then he drops the bombshell and asks John if he will be godfather to the child. Marlena pipes up saying that it's a lot to ask of John. Roman says he knows, but he also knows that if anything happened to him or Marlena, he knows that John would be there to look after the kids, and the new baby. After all, Carrie and the twins are good kids and that has a lot to do with John bringing them up. John says of course he would be there for them but.... A nurse interrupts to tell Roman that Dr. Horton is free and he goes out to talk to Tom about Carrie. John tells Marlena he feels just terrible. There was Roman apologizing for his mistakes when John was the one who betrayed *him*, sleeping with Marlena. He tells her he couldn't even look at Roman. Roman comes back in and asks John if he's made a decision. John thinks that maybe they should just separate this crazy mixed up relationship once and for all. Roman says that they don't have to, it works as it is. John asks to think about it some more - it's a big decision and then leaves. Marlena and Roman talk for a few minutes about John and then Marlena tells him that she loves him.
John goes down to the park to think, but is interrupted by screams from nearby. Most unfortunately he has to be a hero and go and rescue the blonde from the knife wielding muggers.....
John manages to save Kristen from the muggers and she tells him she is a social worker who does most of her work for nothing. She discovers he's John's Black and doesn't seem terribly thrilled about it. Just then, John notices that she's cut and she swoons into his arms.Marlena tells Roman that it was a misunderstanding. She had said something to the nurse about hoping her baby was a Scorpio baby and the nurse had misunderstood. Everyone comes round for the party but it is interrupted by John carrying Kristen in and dumping her on the couch like a sack of spuds. Roman and Tom take her out to the kitchen to tend to her wounds and question her about the mugging. John goes in but when he comes back out Marlena notices he's been cut too. She sits him down and treats it, telling him that if it had been much deeper he would have been in real trouble. He of course just tells everybody it's a scratch. Marlena tells Sami to go upstairs and get one of Roman's shirts for John. Sami glares at her and Marlena tells her in no uncertain terms to "Do it *now*. Roman comes back in when John is dressing in his (plaid) shirt and mentions something about their Libra baby. Then he proceeds to tell the room about the nurse thinking it was going to be born in November.
John and Kristen had a spat at the community centre. Kristen told John she hates rich guys. She spent half the episode ringing mystery people to tell them John Black was in Salem.
Marlena is heading off to work when Roman asks her when the amnio is going to be done. She says she will let him know. As she leaves she prays the baby will be perfect. And be Roman's. When she gets to the hospital, Alice tells her about Carrie last night. Then she runs into Kristen who is busy mouthing off about John and all the terrible things he has done. When Marlena questions her she won't elaborate and Marlena tells her to shut her mouth until she knows all the facts.
Kristen has more attitude about John, culminating with John being locked in a burning community centre and Kristen outside.
Kristen eventually pulls John out of the burning building and John accuses her of torching it herself. They argue at the hospital and as they leave. But of course John wants to help her get the funding she needs
John tries to give Kristen twenty-five grand towards the community centre, but she turns him down. John talks to Mickey about it and they arrange to filter it through the hospital. John runs into Marlena who warns him about Kristen's perceived problems with him. She tells John that since he's me Kristen he has been in all sorts of trouble and he should be careful round her. Marlena gets called down for her amniocentesis test and Bo tells John about it. Bo is going off to relieve Roman on stakeout so that he can be there. Marlena heads into the examination room and the nurse wants to ask her a few questions. She asks her how long she thinks she has been pregnant and Marlena answers sixteen weeks. What she doesn't see is John come into the room after that.
Meanwhile Kristen has gone to see the man in a wheelchair with chubby hands and the phoenix ring, wanting to know why it is that she should hate John Black so much.
John says that the baby is due early October - right? The nurse heads off and Marlena asks John how long he had been standing there. He tells her just long enough to hear the nurse ask the baby's due date. He tells her that he wants to be there for the amnio if Roman can't make it and then tells her that he thinks he should accept the offer of godfather. Turning it down would hurt Roman and might arouse his suspicions. Marlena agrees but they are interrupted by Kimberly. She is more than a little surprised to see John there and Marlena asks John to get her a cup of tea. Kim tells Marlena that seeing John there seems odd to her. This should be something private between her and Roman. She knows something is very wrong, Marlena looks very tired and she suspects her blood pressure is up. She tells Marlena if something is troubling her, it's not good for the baby. Marlena says she does have a secret, but she'd not sure if she can tell him, but then she can't help herself and it all comes tumbling out. She tells him that she and John haven't been fighting their feelings, at least not all the time - they gave into them - twice. She ends up by telling Kim what's eating her inside is that she doesn't know who's baby this is and John mustn't find out that it could be his. She just has to hope that everything works out. She tells Kim that she feels terribly guilty and she thinks that Kim must hate her now. Kim tells her no - she has made enough of her own mistakes and she can't judge Marlena. Marlena tells her she loves Roman and will do anything to keep this marriage together. Kim says she knows Marlena will, but she is concerned that the lies will end up hurting Roman, however well intentioned they are. John comes back with the tea and Kim heads off. John stays for the amnio and when Roman eventually arrives, it's all over. Marlena has a picture of the ultrasound for him - but they can't tell the sex of the baby yet...not that she wants to know.
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