Winter Fest
Belle's Baptism
Winter Heat
Curtis Brown Murder (Cont.)
Peter read the contents of Sami's file to Stefano. He revealed that Sami was bulimic and that she had not disclosed the cause of the eating disorder to the doctor. Stefano was convinced the cause had something to do with the secret between John and Marlena. He instructed Peter to steal Sami's diary as he believed the answer may be found there.
At the Brady pub, Shawn told Sami that he and the rest of the family still loved her despite her actions. They all wanted to see her get better and would stand behind her. Sami was relieved to hear this.
Marlena told Sami that she had told John about Sami knowing of the affair. Marlena later told John that she was planning on telling Roman. John suggested that it would hurt Roman and destroy their marriage. Marlena told John that she was aware of the dangers but she could not let Sami continue to suffer and that the secrets were destroying Sami.
Roman once again thanked John for returning Isabella to them and thanked John for his friendship and support throughout the year. He told John he was glad to have such a good friend, which made John feel even more guilty about his and Marlena's affair.
Carrie had her first day at work at Titan with Lucas. Lucas invited her to dinner but she declined as she had arranged to meet Austin at the pub. Austin learned that Brandee was in Salem and insisted that she come with him to the Brady Pub to explain things to Carrie. Brandee told Carrie that there had never been anything between her and Austin and that she had made the whole thing up. Carrie asked why she had done this. Lucas was outside and saw Brandee talking to Austin and Carrie.
At the Brady pub, Carrie repeated her question to Brandee, asking why she had lied to her about her involvement with Austin. Outside Lucas rang Brandee and warned her not to say anything. Victor had Maree fire Brandee and when Maree told Brandee at the pub, she was angered and told Carrie and Austin that Lucas had arranged the whole scam. She told them that Lucas had wanted Carrie to think that her and Austin were involved so that he could have Carrie for himself. Austin and Lucas got into a fight and had to be pulled apart. Later, Lucas tried to explain to Carrie, but she slapped him.
Austin asked Carrie out for a lunch date the following day.
Carrie had Austin had lunch but both were clumsy and awkward. Carrie suggested that they go ice-skating. While Carrie was waiting for Austin in the park, Lucas approached Carrie to apologise for his actions. He explained that he knew what he had done was wrong and he was sorry. He wanted Carrie to know that he was going to be a better person. Carrie apologised for slapping him and said she could forgive what he had done but could not forget. This pleased Lucas but angered Austin who had just arrived. Carrie explained by forgiving Lucas, she could put it all behind her and move on with her life.
Marlena told Sami she was going to tell Roman of her affair with John. Sami was insistent that Marlena not do this as it would devastate Roman. Sami suggested that Marlena talk to Dr Dorman first to see what he thought. Marlena told Sami that she had already done this but would talk to him again if it made her feel better. After speaking to Dr Dorman, Marlena was still determined to confess to Roman but Sami warned her not to.
Bo told Billie that he was having DNA tests performed on the skin found under Curtis's fingernails. He was hoping to prove that someone else had struggled with Curtis that night. Abe suggested to Billie that she take the D.A.'s deal. She refused once more. The DNA tests returned showing that the skin sample had the same genetic make-up as Billie suggesting that she was the murderer. Bo re-questioned Wendy about what she had seen or heard the night Curtis was shot. Wendy accidently let it slip that she had heard Curtis and Billie arguing. Bo was angry, but later Wendy remembered that she had heard someone else in the alley with Curtis after Billie had left. She couldn't tell if the voice was male or female but it wasn't Billie. This made Bo hopeful and he announced he would re question all the neighbours to find this other person. Austin once again suggested that Billie tell Bo the truth but Billie was adamant that she didn't want Bo finding out about her past.
Bo suggested to Billie that she try hypnosis to remember what happened the night that Curtis died. Billie refused explaining that she did not want to remember the past as it was too painful. Bo did not push her. Stefano read Sami's diary and discovered that Marlena slept with John, that John is Belle's father and no-one knows the truth of Belle's paternity except for Sami. Peter suggested telling Kristen straight away but Stefano insisted on waiting for the right moment.
After a therapy session, Roman and Sami went ice-skating in the park. While there, Lucas started talking to Sami. He told her that Carrie had forgiven him and he wanted Sami and him to be friends again. Sami suspected that Lucas was up to something but agreed to be friends. Marlena told John that she was telling Roman the truth. He said that he would stand behind her no matter what she did. He then told Marlena that he thought his memory may be returning. Marlena was pleased to hear this. At the park, while waiting for Peter, Jennifer saw Lucas looking at Austin and Carrie skating. Jennifer told Lucas that he should move on with his life and try to forget about Carrie. Lucas asked if she was doing that with Jack. Peter arrived and they had champagne. Peter had to leave but told Jen he would like to get to know her better. As he left, he kissed Jen which bewildered her.
Bo had a policeman run a check on the $100 bill they found on Curtis to see if it was marked in any way or traceable. Bo and Abe took the murder weapon to a pawn shop to see if a mark on the gun was a pawnshop identifying mark. The pawnshop owner recognised the mark but was unable to say who bought the gun as his records had been stolen. At the pawnshop, Abe saw Jonah's medical bag with his initials carved on the front. Abe went to see Jonah to confront him about selling the bag.
Marlena tells Roman about the affair with John. Roman is devastated and tells Marlena he will kill John. It is then revealed that Marlena is dreaming. She worries that her dream will come true and that if Roman were to find out the truth he would never be able to forgive her or John. At the Brady pub, Shawn and Caroline tell Sami that they still love her even though she kidnapped Belle. They tell her that they want to help her overcome her emotional problems.
John walks into the pub while the Bradys are discussing Sami and invite him to join them. Roman suggests a family photo and insists John be in it which upsets Sami. John tells Sami she must make an effort to pretend to like John so Roman does not become suspicious. Sami agrees but is horrified when Roman suggests John hold Isabella in the family photo.
Jennifer and Austin do a show about a woman who wrote an exercise book. She explains that she wrote it after her husband left her. This makes Jen think of Jack and she freezes on air. Austin comes to her rescue. Peter was watching at the studio and asks Jen if she was all right. Jen says she is. Peter asks her out but Jen explains that she is still a married woman and could not think about starting a relationship. After Peter leaves, Jen is served with divorce papers from Jack.
Austin confides in Jen that his relationship with Carrie is not going as he would like. He tells Jen he believed the relationship would pick up from where they left it. Jen tells Austin to take his time and allow he and Carrie to know each other all over again. Carrie relates the same problems to Caroline and Caroline gives Carrie the same advice that Jen gave Austin.
Stefano tells Peter that before he uses the information in Samis diary he must first confirm it validity. He gets Peter to arrange a blood test for Belle. As they are talking in the hospital lounge, Sami walks in. Stefano talks to Sami and tells her that he is psychic and can read palms. Sami doubts this but Stefano asks her if he may read her palm. Sami is reluctant but allows Stefano to do so. He tells her he knows she was in love with a man with the initials A. R. Sami is amazed. He then tells her that he knows she has a secret. Sami denies this and leaves the lounge. John visits Marlena and she tells him of the dream she had earlier. John suggests this could be a sign and that she should not tell Roman. While they are talking Marlena gets a phone call from the hospital reminding her that Belle was scheduled for some blood tests that day. Marlena and John take Belle to the hospital where they see Roman and Sami. Again Sami is panicked by the idea of blood tests.
Bo discovered that Lucas was given a speeding ticket on the night that Curtis was murdered near the scene of the crime and about the time that Curtis was killed. Lucas told Bo he had gone to see Carrie but had changed his mind. Bo suspects that Lucas is hiding something. After Bo leaves, Lucas burns a pair of gloves in the fireplace.
At the Brady pub, Bo tells Billie that he may have a lead which could produce another suspect.
At the hospital Sami tells Jamie about Stefano reading her palm. Jamie is sceptical and warns Sami to stay away from him. Later Sami asks John to convince Marlena not to tell Roman the truth as it would destroy him. John agrees to do this.
Victor questions Lucas as to why Bo had called. Lucas told Vic that Bo had found out about the speeding ticket. Victor asked if there was anything else that could connect Lucas with Curtis. Lucas assured Victor there was nothing. A lawyer, working for Victor to help Vivian, told Vic that Vivian had taken a turn for the worst.
Austin and Carrie had lunch together at the Brady pub and shared a kiss afterward.
ohn offered Marlena the baptism gown that Brady wore for Belle. Marlena accepted the gown. John pleaded with Marlena not to tell Roman the truth about their affair. He suggested that he and Roman needed to work together to beat Stefano and that would not happen if Roman knew the truth. He also told Marlena that Sami had begged him not to let Roman know.
Peter returned to the hospital where he stole the vial of blood containing Belles blood sample.
Roman taped Stefano talking so that Wendy might be able to recognise the voice as the one she heard in the alley. After doing this he went to tell John and was surprised to see Marlena there and questioned her.
Carrie and Austin were babysitting Belle and spoke about the future and the possibility of having children together. Austin was pleasantly surprised to find out that Carrie had thought about it as well.
Jamie confronted Sami asking what she had done with the missing blood sample. Sami denied any knowledge of it and Jamie explained she had thought Sami had stolen it. The girls concluded it must have been a fortunate accident.
John and Marlena told Roman she was there to get the baptism gown from John. Roman accepted this and told John of the tape of Stefanos voice. John had a flashback of a woman calling him Johnny. He confronted Stefano about this asking who the woman was. Stefano told John nothing claiming he did not know of any such woman.
Bo had a policeman bring Billie to the police station. She was worried until Bo explained it was so they could be together since they could not be seen in public.
Roman and Bo had Wendy listen to the tape but she could not identify the voice. She claimed that it may or may not be the voice, she just could not say. Bo was disappointed that Wendy could not say for sure.
Billie asked Marlena about hypnosis and whether it was possible to keep something hidden. She confided in Marlena the truth about her incestuous past but did not let on that her father was Curtis. Billie told Marlena she could not go through the hypnosis in case her past came out and Bo would find out. She explained that she did not want to hurt Bo by revealing that part of her past.
Marlena told John that she was touched by a patient who would risk going to jail to prevent hurting the man she loved. She told him that this had convinced her never to tell Roman the truth.
Peter returned to Salem where Stefano demanded the results of the blood tests. Peter made some phone calls and told Stefano the results would arrive first thing in the morning.
Carrie gave Austin a bow tie as a late Christmas present which he promised to wear to the baptism. Austin tried to convince Billie that she should tell Bo the truth but again she claimed she would never tell. Carrie took Romans suit to the police station so he could get dressed. While there, she saw a photo of Curtis and told Bo that Lucas had shown her a similar photo the night Curtis was killed, saying that Lucas seemed desperate to find Curtis.
Bo confronted Lucas but Lucas denied knowing Curtis, explaining that he had shown Carrie a photo of a teacher from the military academy who was visiting. Lucas told Bo he was not desperate to find this man. Bo was suspicious and noticed the burnt gloves in the fireplace.
John and Marlena told Sami that they had decided never to tell Roman the truth which delighted Sami. Peter and Stefano discovered that John was the father of Belle. At the church, Peter told Marlena that Stefano knew about her affair with John and that he wanted to tell everyone before he died.
Midway through the baptism ceremony, Stefano arrived in the church, seen only by Marlena. She knew that Stefano would tell Roman of the affair so she tried to stop the ceremony so she could tell him, herself before Stefano could. Roman would not wait until after the ceremony so Marlena told him that she had broken their marriage vows by sleeping with another man. Roman was shocked as was the entire congregation.
Kate arrived back in Salem and was surprised to see Bo questioning Lucas about the Curtis Brown murder. Victor tried to assure Bo that Lucas had nothing to do with the murder. Kate asked Lucas why he had gone out that night. She was frightened for Lucas and he wanted to know why Kate seemed scared of what he may have seen. Victor assured Kate that he would not let anyone hurt her or Lucas and he would do all that he could to protect them.
At the church, everyone was shocked when Marlena told Roman that she had had an affair. Roman refused to believe it thinking that Marlena was under a lot of stress. Marlena, crying, told him she was speaking the truth. Sami was especially distraught and told her mother that she should have kept quiet like she had promised to do. Roman realised that keeping the secret had been the cause of Sam's emotional problems and blamed Marlena for letting Sami suffer. At this point John stood up for Marlena. Roman told him to stay out of it but John admitted he was the man Marlena slept with. Roman attacked John but Shawn and Caroline broke up the fight.
Everyone left the church except Roman, Marlena and John. Roman was angry and questioned John and Marlena about the affair. Marlena and John tried to apologise and justify the affair but Roman would not listen. Billie became more determined to keep her secret after seeing the affect it had on Roman. Kristen had trouble accepting that John could betray Roman like that and Carrie was also devastated.
Stefano left the church unseen by anyone and told Peter they would save the news of John being the father of Belle for another time.
After Roman left the church, Marlena told John that Stefano had found out the truth and she felt she had to tell Roman before Stefano did. John went to confront Stefano while Marlena went home.
At the Brady house, Roman smashed some photos of him and Marlena. When Marlena arrived they argued. Again she tried to explain that John and her never resolved their feelings for each other and neither of them had wanted to hurt Roman. She told him that she still loved him and wanted their marriage to work.
Kristen went to the hospital to tell Stefano of the news. He admitted to Kristen that he had gone to the church, not realising the baptism was on, and had overheard Marlena confess. John arrived and blamed the confession on Stefano. Kristen defended her father saying that his sleeping with Marlena was not her fathers fault. Later John assured Kristen that the affair had taken place before he had become involved with her and once he started seeing her, he had been with no other woman. Kristen was unsure of this but once again told John to leave her father alone. Peter told Alice and Jennifer about Marlenas confession. They were both shocked.
John went to the Brady pub and recieved a hostile reaction from Shawn, Caroline, Carrie and Sami. He begged them to try and forgive Marlena even if they could not forgive him. Roman arrived and attacked John. Shawn and Abe broke up the fight and insisted that John leave.
Marlena was consoled by Lexie and then Alice. Marlena told Alice that Peter had warned her that Stefano had known of the affair. Marlena admitted to Alice that she did not know what Peters motives were in telling her that Stefano knew. Marlena went to the pub to get Belle and was met by john outside. He suggested that she not go in as the Bradys were still very angry.
Carrie was quite upset by the news of the affair and told Austin that the news had made her reconsider the meaning of love. She told him she did not believe in love or that their relationship could work and broke up with him.
At the station, Bo tries to figure out where the $100 bill came from and who it belongs to. Roman calls the federal police to see if they can help and they agree to assist. Bo tells Roman about Lucas' gloves that he found in the fireplace.
Bo returned to the Kiriakis mansion to question the servants about Kate, Lucas and Victor's movements on the night of Curtis's murder. The maid, Mary, revealed that Kate had been beaten on that night.
Victor told Lucas that he would protect him but was upset that it was causing a rift between himself and Bo. Victor admitted to Kate and Lucas that he had gone out looking for Curtis that night. Kate admitted to Vic and Lucas that Curtis beat he and that she had tried to pay him off. Bo confronted Kate about the beating.
Kate tried to comfort Marlena after hearring about her confession. Marrlena urged Kate to go to the police about her connection to Curtis but Kate refused.
Caroline told Marlena that Roman had asked that Shawn and her look after Belle. Marlena was upset so Caroline brought Belle to her mother. Marlena and Caroline talked about Caroline's affair.
Carrie confronted Marlena about her betrayal. Carrie says to her that she could never forgive her for hurting her father like that. She told Marlena that she had broken up with Austin because she no longer believed in love. Marlena urged her to give Austin a chance.
Carrie claimed that if a strong marriage like Marlena and Roman's hasn't succeeded, no relationship could ever succeed. Austin tries to convince her not to give up on their relationship, that they have been thrown a lot of things that they have gotten through. He brings her flowers, but Carrie says that she can't handle that pain right now and she asks him to leave.
Shawn and Caroline tried to comfort Roman. Shawn explained how he felt betrayed when he learnt of Caroline's affair and how Bo was not his son. This made Shawn ask Roman if it was possible Belle was not his daughter.
Roman refused to believe that Belle may not be his. He told his parents that there was no chance of this. They told Marlena of their suggetion that belle may be John's. Marlena sought Roman and explained that she had tests run to confirm that Roman was the father. She also told him the details of the affair. Roman ordered Marlena to leave the house and called her a slut.
Kate told Bo she slipped and fell on the ice and was not beaten. Lucas, Kate and Vic assured Bo that they were hiding nothing. Bo did not believe this and told Vic he could never think of him as a father if Vic had lied to him. Vic was quite distressed but relieved that Bo had no way of connecting them to the murder. Bo said to Victor that he had many chances to get close to him but he blew it.
A cop told Bo that the trace on the $100 bill showed it came from a cash payment to Titan.
Roman again ordered Marlena to move out of the house. She refused saying that she was not ready to give up on their marriage. She asked him if he still loved her and he answered: "god help me, I do". Roman returned home and was angry to find Marlena still there. He told her he wanted Sami and Belle to stay with him and for her to leave.
Bo questioned Victor's accountant who confirmed that the 100 note came from a large sum of money requested by Kate and that the money came back one hundred dollars short. Kate said the money was for a business deal and Lucas claimed he stole some money from the safe. Bo was suspicious of their explanations.
At the brady house, John trie to apologise to Roman but Roman attacks John. They are broken up by Sami. John goes to retaurant. Roman tells Sami that he wants custody of her and Belle. Sami is upset by this news.
Alan invited Lucas to go skiiing. Kate encouraged him to go. At Salem Place, Sami told Lucas that Carrie was skiing at greenmount and Lucas convinced Alan to go there. Sami had also told Lucas that Austin and Carrie had broken up.
Kate detroyed all the clothes she was wearing the night of Curtis's murder. She was about to destroy the shoe but believed that no one notices shoes so kept them in the wardrobe. Mary, the maid, was suspicious of Kate's actions.
Bo told Billie that he had tried to get Pat Hamilton to move the trial back but he wouldn't. He invited her to spend the night on the boat. They fell asleep on the deck.
Austin told Carrie that he loved her and convinced her to give their relationship another chance. She agreed and decided to go skiing.
Billie awakens on the beach not realising where she is or how she got there. Bo tells her that uring the night the boat drifted and they were washed up on this island. Bo and Billie spent the day frolicking on the beach and swimming. Bo gave Billie a shell. At the end of the episode, it was revealed that Billie had dreamed the whole thing but she seemed to think the shell had something to do with Curtis' murder.
Carrie and Austin arrived and were surprised to find only one bed in the room. Carrie told Austin it didn't matter and that she wanted to make love with him. Lucas and Alan got into a fight over Carrie.
Jen rang Pinehaven and heard about the fire. Unable to find Peter, she asked Austin to take her to the airport. Leaving Carrie alone, she was visited by an unknown person in a ski mask and he tries to rape her. Her screams scare him away.